Tales from the wtf department...

Sep 15, 2006 11:12

A friend of mine wrote this because he is awesome-- Unite in pride: grab life's oars

I... I think I had a dream last night in which... I was watching Titanic and crying over it like a baby, and then I went to choir practice (which was at night for some reason) and Calabrese didn't want me to sing because he thought my sniffling and red eyes meant I was sick, despite my protests and explanations. I think some of the characters from the LOTR movies were involved in there, too, in a different scene--at least, I distinctly remember seeing Arwen outside in the dark and, later, Merry and Pippin showing up to Aragorn's coronation. And there was a whole other part I can't quite recall, but I remember being really dizzy because I hadn't eaten and then sitting on the floor of some place with a couple of my friends and eating hot dogs made by some crazy German guy. Wtf, subconscious. I mean, I was okay when there was a guy called Ackles in my dream the night before last after I mainlined the first disc of Supernatural right before going to sleep. (I also tried to outrun my alarm for half an hour yesterday morning; I thought it was in a library and that I had somehow set it off. *facepalm*) But this? I have no idea what any of it means, so wtgorramf, as dakotawitch says.

Should a plastic jug of milk be sweating to the point that it's dripping water? There's nothing wrong with the milk, but... I don't think dairy products are supposed to do that. Maybe our fridge is too cold? Ah, SMUSH weirdness.

The feral cats know me, as proved when I fed them solo last night and a lot of them came right out to greet me. I'm not sure whether I should be honored or afraid by this... possibly both. Our kittens have gotten SO BIG! *_* Soon they'll be nigh indistinguishable from the rest.

I have to get dressed and go to class now. Hooray for Fridays!

friends: general, misc: random

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