Tripped on this bit of shiny while surfing the cortex...

May 31, 2006 00:47

OMFG! Attention all Dallas area Browncoats! Or potential Browncoats, or Firefly fans who don't go in for cute nicknames, or people who just want to hang out and see a fantastic movie. I'm not picky.

Anyway. In honor of the great Whedon's birthday, special screenings of Serenity are being organized in cities all over the world. The Dallas one is at midnight on June 23--more details here.

The other best part? Proceeds are benefitting Equality Now, an international women's charity. :D There ain't a thing in the 'verse that could keep me away... I've bought my ticket and everything. Anyone else's interest piqued yet?

And yeah, I have a new fandom. Like I needed another one. Shut up.

tv: firefly, fandom: general

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