I don't want the break to end...

Mar 19, 2006 23:38

LJ Interests meme results
  1. british accents:
    Um, British accents are HOT. *_* English, Scottish, Wales...ish(?), it doesn't matter, although I have a particular affinity for the Scots (I like the particular way they pronounce their vowels *g*). My love for the British accent was probably the first true manifestation of my general obsessive Britophilism... silly American girl, I know. :D
  2. disciples of christ:
    My church, yay! I love my church, and I still go to the congregation I grew up in most Sundays. I remember I would always go to the area retreats in high school (a week in the summer and a weekend one in the winter), even though it wasn't necessarily the "cool" thing to do. There's this one camp we always went to, a rustic but not entirely primitive place, and I remember... gods, I guess it was after my senior year, so my last summer there. And I was sitting out in the grass during our quiet prayer time one day, looking out at the lake, and I swear I cried because I felt God's presence more in those few minutes than I had for months of sitting in church. I didn't know about nature spirituality then, of course, but it was probably in that moment that I began to recognize divinity outside of the church walls and in everything around me. (And, um, I realize that story went off on a huge tangent. Apologies. It could have been longer.)
  3. fighting hate:
    By "hate," I really mean "intolerance for other people's feelings, lifestyles or beliefs." And I do my best to fight it because I feel it's inherently wrong to treat other people with disrespect or cruelty just because you don't happen to agree with who they are. I think learning to strive against hatred in all its forms has just become a part of my nature--see a wile, thwart it, you know?
  4. greek mythology:
    I LOVE the Greeks. Love, love, love. I can't explain WHY I think they're so incredibly fascinating, they just ARE. Gah.
  5. jimmy eat world:
    One of my all time favorite bands! I absolutely love their sound... these boys make me happy with their music, even when they're being depressing and emo.
  6. music:
    Bah, it picked a boring one. I... love music. With a passion. As in, could not imagine my life without it. That's why I've been in choir since elementary school, why I have almost 20 GB of songs on my hard drive, and why iTunes revolutionised the way I use my computer. :D
  7. pretty people:
    *g* Well really, what can be said about this one? Pretty people make me happy. Enough said. :D
  8. service:
    Service! You all know of my everlasting commitment and devotion to service... which would be why I have pretty much done bugger all this semester. Yeah, I just fail.
  9. star wars:
    My "guilty pleasure" fandom that isn't even really mine because I refused to delve into it beyond a surface level. Hee. But I've always liked SW, ever since I was a little girl begging to watch Empire again and quietly shipping Han/Leia... good times, man.
  10. velvet goldmine:
    One of those movies that gets better every time you see it, especially as you begin to pick up on more of the little nuances. LOVE. Totally.

Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.

Oh, and here is a highly amusing video that made me sporfle tremendously. Definitely NOT work or family safe, unless your work/family's a pretty progressive bunch that doesn't mind frank discussions of certain anatomy and sexual practices. *g*

Off to do homework (yes, really, stop looking at me like that) and worry a bit about my roommate, who has not returned from break yet. I sincerely hope this is because the rain drove her to take shelter elsewhere and not because she's got herself swept into a creek or something. *frets, because that's what I do* Later!

ETA (12:35 am): OMG, GO Friending Meme! linnpuzzle thinks it's high time the fandom showed some unity, so if you're looking to expand your flist, go forth and check it out. :)

books: good omens, share: videos, misc: memes, misc: random, school: misc

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