These rehearsals are really cutting into my lack of a social life...

Feb 04, 2006 02:19

Whew. For a second there, I thought Firefox had royally fucked me over. I came back from restart to find that all my bookmarks were gone and it had reset itself to the default settings. Fortunately, I used my head and did a little panicked digging... found out it was keeping daily backups of my bookmarks and that today's file was severely corrupted (which is probably what caused it to freak out), but yesterday's was still good, so I was able to copy that one over the one it was currently using that had like two in it. Who knew? I didn't even lose my history, either, so now I've just got to set it all back up the way it was and re-download all my search engines. *grumbles at stupid free software*
Update: Okay, I restarted the program, and it kept the bookmarks but didn't save my layout customizations or anything. Something else is going on... I think my profile might be corrupted, maybe. Must investigate further.

Budgets are turned in and I'm finally breathing again. Now I've just got the drama of interviews to get through on Sunday afternoon. *crosses fingers*

OMG NEW POEM. It's a "real" poem, too, not that emo stuff I was writing last spring, although I think I was producing better imagery and metaphor back then. Anyway. Read it!

You are smart and sexy!

Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

At first I was all, wtf - I mean, librarian, yeah, sure, and the dragon is totally breathing fire all over those apparently inflammable books, btw. o.O But the more I read it, the more it makes sense. Not the hell and darkness bit, but the rest? Totally me. Just not the part I generally like to acknowledge. I think maybe I should start investing in my life more.

Can I just say that I am SO GLAD we have circle and candlemaking on Sunday? I really need to just calm down and refocus my center because I'm doing the thing where I accidentally focus all my energy outwardly and then I freak out... I am seriously about to flip out on a bitch, and probably not the one I need to be flipping out on. Plus, it will be good to just hang out with Susan and my other friends and maybe even talk about stuff that (gasp!) isn't school, the Monologues, or how low our patience/tolerance levels are right now. Blah.

Um. Is it sad that I really have nothing else to write about? Going to bed now, for tomorrow we are manufacturing vaginas and I will therefore be responsible for keeping 15-odd vagina warriors contained in one place while they invade my home for eight straight hours. This should be interesting.

misc: memes, writing: general, misc: random, personal: religion, school: misc, political: vagina monologues

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