if there's one thing i'm really wishing for right now, it would be a COMPLETE 8-HOUR SLEEP.
like everybody else in the up film institute, i'm tired. but at the same time, i'm having fun at least.
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the second thing i'm wishing for is TIME TO READ A BOOK. bought a copy of
sublime_surot's second chicklit (as she calls it ;p) MY VARIETY SHOW last tuesday and i can't even start it.
i have this vice of not letting the book go until i finish it. so yeah, if i start reading it, i'd probably not finish my school work.
next week, i would really make time for reading.
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today i have two shoots. tomorrow, one group meeting. there. i don't even have time to finish the o.c. second season on dvd. hay.
now the third thing i'm wishing for is SOME TIME TO SPEAK TO HIM (no, "him" is not God.). he seems to be avoiding me for some strange reason. maybe because of the new girl on his list.
i think i'm beginning to hate him really big this time. as in serious.
one sentence: HE'S NEVER SERIOUS. and that's the thing.
"love of mine, someday you will die..."