Title: Elves and fairies and Jared’s neck
Pairing: JP/JA
Word Count: 2000 ish
Warnings: Oh my god I kinda wrote crack and i am not sure i can do that and I am really scared and I am hiding... *breathe*
Rating: NC17
A/N: A special birthday gift to the wonderful jayneeee911 who swears her birthday is the 6th even though her LJ is blank *searches for proof*. Inspired by a challenge at
watermelon_wave Summary: It’s true you know. The whole story, and whether you believe it or not, Jensen, to his dying day will swear that the whole lot is true. Of course Jared in his usual handflappy dude kind of way just laughed the elves and the fairies off as a dream. Jeez, the taste and the texture and the feel of that warm skin, god, Jensen would wax lyrical for years on that first touch.
It kinda happened in a really weird way... )