#08 - The End

Jul 21, 2010 13:33

You know, you can ignore me, but don't think that'll make me give up.... *g*

As dramatic as the challenge title sounds, it is... not. It's just a bit harder to explain in just two or three words *g*

The End

Write a story, no matter how long or short. I mean that! BUT it has to end with this:

Life. Life, he thought, was not like in the movies, with all their happily ever afters and riding off into the sunsets. Life, he thought, it just might be even better.

There will be no deadline, because even if I did, I don't think that would make anyone write. If it would, TELL ME!
You can always pick any other challenge at any given time if something strikes you.
ANY character, person or pairing is welcome, no matter which fandom. I'm serious about this one, too

If you have any questions or problems, just ask me :)

As usual, If you post, use the usual information upfront, as stated in the profile and use '#08 - your title' as the subject line, thanks!!!

HAVE FUN!!! *hugs*

challenge, #08 the end

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