#4 - Lace Wars (Faerie Style)

Mar 10, 2010 21:44

Remember Lomy and Elphie? The faeries that live in ChrisandSteve's house? Well, they are back... and they have company.

Title: Lace Wars (Faerie Style)
Author: elebridith 
Fandom: Kane RPS (Not A Firefly AU 'verse)
Pairing: Chris/Steve
Rating: PG13

A/N: Some time has passed since Chris and Steve discovered the two faeries living in their guitar case. Although Elphie speaks in tinkles, by now both Chris and Steve are able to understand her if she talks slowly - think how Luke Skywalker understands R2-D2. If it gets too complicated, Lomy still translates.

AU brought to you by the cracky brains of havenward  and elebridith . For more info please see not_a_firefly . *bows*

A/N II: I'm sorry, I tried to link the parts together, but it always f... messed up the formatting. So the link goes to the entries tagged as "Lace Wars". It's six episodes (duh! *g*) altogether. I hope you enjoy!

Lace Wars

#04 elves & fairies

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