I'm happy to report that I am quite close to the end of the uploading, and detail typing of all the products I am putting up on my store envy! I think once it is open, I won't be crafting or adding anything to the shop until either most or everything is sold, or on the rare occassion I will accept a commission. Enough of that, some more experiments!
I had to try a Squirtle one! I also want to do a Bulbasaur - but currently restricted by the ONE shade of green I have . . . and I am loathe to be tempted into buying more beads!
Then I tried out some Koi fish! Even though the red patches on their foreheads does make them look like koi . . . if you flip the fish upside down . . . they look like mouths :S lol!
Now, back to the issue of the shop - I have about 100 left of things to upload and type about, and I know - it has been over 3 months since I started it, and a lot of people been very patient! I think when I finally open, I want to offer some sort of prize for the first (something number) customers, that I will randomly include in their purchases. Dunno - we will see!