Supanova 2012

Jun 25, 2012 00:32

To take a break from my prac, and to do something fun - we went to Supanova! I mostly took videos of what we saw walking around, and also a video of a panel that Mathew Reilly did (one of my most favourite authors). The only pictures I took were of the things we bought XD I'm too timid to ask cosplayers if I can take a photo of them, silly of me, I know. Plus, my iPad is a bit unwieldy to use to take photos.

I got this floppy disc pillow from Sugart! One of my favourite exhibitors - I never fail to buy something from them each year XD. So this is the grumpy side of the pillow, and on the other:

The happy side! It is cute, and nostalgic - since who uses floppy discs anymore?

The rest of the things we bought! Not as much as anticipated, but it was mostly because they didn't sell the manga I was after :( But I did end up spending under $100, so that was good for me anyway. Poor student that I am. Anyway, I got a Bamboo Wacom stylus for my iPad (which is awesome! I can now sketch my ideas better instead of using my stubby fingers), and a ruler, and two LED keychains from Sugart. And a syringe pen from . . . I forget where, but it really looks like a syringe! Even the liquid inside is liquid and moves - bwaahahaha

Oh, and the LED keychains - you just press it and the LED lights up! Super useful if you're in the dark and trying to find the keyhole to put your key in to get into the house! The black cat is for me, while the Gameboy one is for Sian.

We had a a lot of fun at Supanova, and visited Tracy at Yobe Cosplay. We also (as mentioned earlier) went to see Mathew Reilly's panel, which I have a video of and will upload some time soon :D Although, it was a bit irritating in the end, when we needed to go home, and some really stupid people, had parked their cars in a such way that blocked our way out - we had to reverse the car back to our parking spot, park, reverse out again to face the opposite direction - just to face an idiot woman who didn't know how to drive on one side of the road to let the person who is leaving out, so that they can take our parking spot -_-" So I had to reverse to give her space to take the parking spot, all the while watching her mouth move as she abused us for not giving way to her *snorts*.

Supanova seriously needs to mark out proper lines for the makeshift parking, otherwise if we didn't leave at the time we did, I think we would have been stuck there completely. Bah, I was able to do something fun, and indulge in looking and buying cute things, so my zen is restored after doing so much work!

Although, even saying that, I now have to get back and make two more programs for my prac, and create some worksheets for my lessons! I suspect I won't post again until the mid year holidays T-T Ah, well.



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