To cheer myself up I decided to try out the bow maker I bought the other day, and see how it works. This is the result:
Ye-es . . . I got a bit carried away XD
They turned out really nice, and it was much easier to do it than I thought. You only need the template, scissors, ribbon, needle and thread, and for mine, I used buttons too.
So I used the medium 5-pointed one, and the small 3-pointed one, and I wrapped the ribbon around them the way the instructions said.
Sewed a button through the middle of both, and then you peel the ribbon off the points.
Separate each loop, and arrange them, and you get this! It fits in the palm of your hand, and I'm considering attaching these to headbands, or turn them into hair clips or something. Oh, and on a random note:
Yup, I eat my dinner at my craft table while crafting. Lol. It's just a beef stir fry and rice that I had for dinner.