Last week I sent in my application to be a trader at Wai-con 2012, and since last Friday my university semester is over, I have been busy taking in inventory, and planning and etc for Wai-con! Last time I was getting ready for Wai-con, I barely got everything done, and even then, there were things missing, unfinished, and it was absolutely chaos!
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I am interested in those magnets btw, how much were you pricing them for?
For the magnets I was thinking of pricing the cookies for $3 and the popsicles for $3.50 ^_^
Alrighty, I think they'd be a nice little gift for my sister when she moves into her new home :3
Will you be cosplaying? I love seeing what people dress up as.
Aw, that's a nice idea, I have made plenty so you are sure to get the ones you want if you're going to Wai-con next year ^_^
Mmm I'd have to buy one if I did and moneys a bit tight for a decent cosplay. I'll wear something nerdish maybe.
Awesome, probably go for a pink or white one. Does it cost you much to make these sort of things?
True, decent cosplay is expensive and ordering and waiting for it to arrive just kills me
It does cost quite a bit to make, since the clay I used to make them is a paper air dry clay and the brand I use can only be ordered online.
And little things add up, like the paint, glaze, puffy paint, magnet and flatback gems - but I always try to sell them at the best price possible so they're not too expensive, and I can break even with costs and get a bit of profit ^_^
wah - i rambled on, sorry >_
Oh no I love hearing about how people make things :3 I suppose its also fun isnt it, making and selling cute things, even if profit isn't high ^_^
Same here, but I try to curb my curiosity since I'm paranoid about sounding creepy - I'm always curious as to what peoplem think about the things I post, so whenever someone says something, I always want to ask lots of questions . . . lol
It is fun, making cute things and selling it and finding out what people think of it, the profit isn't that much, but it's enough to keep my hobby going, so I'm happy either way ^_^ do you make things yourself?
Aw the worst that can happen is they say no. There is a website you may like, called craftster? They don't often do tutorials but they have interesting projects to inspire you :)
I wish. I don't have the creativity for it I suppose, to find a niche. For now I'm just making HarryPotter things for my friends such as bags and things.
That's true, just have to stop thinking I will sound creepy >_< Ooh, I'll take a look at that website, thank you!
Harry Potter things? How cool! What sort of bags and things? Would you be able to show me? Only if you want to of course :)
Like calico tote bags with prints and that sort of thing. Because its uni break for three months I've decided to focus on crafting projects and so I'm saving up for materials right now. So nothing as of yet c;
That sounds cute! How do you do the prints? Silk screen printing? Or is there another way you do it? When you do make something I would love to see it ^_^
Yeah I'm thinking that will be the least messiest way, especially with ink -_-" I might also use different fabrics and sow it on yknow with nice borders ?
Oooh sounds interesting! Hand sew or machine sew? Personally I only ever hand sew if it's a special piece, but otherwise I don't have the patience to make every stitch perfect and tend to use the machine instead ^_^ I'm a pretty impatient person now that I think about it, I like seeing the results - quickly
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