Recently I've purchased a ukulele online, and it arrived a few days ago - and here it is!
It is so so red, such a nice colour! I've also gotten a black one for my fiance - I'll post a picture of it another time if I remember to get one of it! But it's so cute, and so much fun to play around with. I don't have a musical bone in my body, but they're apparently very easy to learn how to play. And what with me wanting to be a teacher and all, it would be nice to be able to play music while I sing off key, lol!
Oh, and I'm currently making some wands for an activity I will be doing with a partner and some students:
Just some basic popstick wands with clay stars. Oh, and here are some pictures of Boomba, he's gotten pretty big now!
Look left.
Look right.
Oh my god! Squeaky toy!
Is MY toy!