In recent news, my course gave our class iPad2 to use! It's mainly because more and more schools in Australia are using the iPad or tablets as a teaching tool, so we would be the frontier in exploring that, and see what apps and whatever would be best for educational uses ^_^ It's pretty awesome that they've given us he iPads to use at this time, because I was considering getting one! Of course, we would need to return it by the end of the year, but I would be able to use it, and determine if I should buy it or not, or wait for the release of the iPad3!
I must admit, it is pretty awesome to use, and there are quite a number of free apps that are great, and a couple of gaming ones that I've paid for and gotten addicted to ... wahaha! Like Cut The Rope, or Angry Birds, and of course, Plants vs Zombies, I played the pc of it, so it was fantastic to play it again using the iPad. Of course, I have educational apps too .... lol.
Ah also, I managed to to go to the Craft & Quilt Fair, and dragged my poor fiance along. But he should consider himself lucky, I'm a pretty decisive shopper and whatever I like, I buy, simple as that - if I can afford it! Wahahaha! So I ended up with a big bag full of goodies, and am itching to get my hands on them, but cannot! Assignments and exams and so on so forth. Not to mention, after the fair, I got really sick, and have been out of comission for a few days. *sigh* I'm alright now, but as the doctor says, I need plenty of rest and meds, one good thing to come out of the fact that I've been so sick, is that I could ask for some much needed extensions on my assignments, thank goodness. Otherwise I have no idea how I would be able to finish any of them!
Oh, I almost forgot! I discovered an exhibitor at the fair, and they sold huge, plain buttons! Perfect for eyes! and perhaps even for the cheeks! Although I may be more inclined in using felt for the cheeks, you know, shiny button eyes, and glowing warm felt cheeks? (I just realised how insane I sounded just then ... no matter) And they also sold this thing called the Wand applicator, where these hot fix gems, are picked up by this 'wand' and it melts the glue that is on the back of the gems, and you press it onto fabric, and it sticks! And it's machine washable! I had just found it, when they sold the last one!! T-T But happily I ordered one from them, and expecting to get it some time this week, I have some ideas of using it to label my hats, it would be pretty cool to do it that way, or use white gems for the 'shiny' parts in the buttons eyes, so many options!
Gah, my mid year break cannot come sooner!