Jun 07, 2005 18:24
Top Ten Reasons Why Today Was Good (in no particular order) :
1.my group got the only A in our math class on our fuckin' difficult math project
2.i tried actually wearing eye makeup besides mascara today and people said it looked good (i'm always afraid i'll look like a clown with eye shadow and shit)
3.i feel ready for my french final and i wanna go first tmrw (yea that's right beeson! just try and beat me to the chair!) cause there wasn't time and i was kinda nervous today
4.the girls (do i even need to write your names??) and i made a "movie" *cough cough* *(more like bored off your ass video) on my camcorder which involved a lot of crotch and boob shots.... rose......;D
5.we saw brian when we were walking away from the school and they were making fun of him and i was like 'OMG! Shut up!' and laughing really hard and hardly looked at him but i think he looked perplexed and according to sam he looked around at me when he was behind us, prolly because rose was yelling i'm down for whateva at the top of her lungs, and the fact that i didn't even say 'hey'! haha serves him right! And if i may say so my normally tiny ass looked pretty big in the pants i was wearing and he isn't getting anywhere near it cause i don't like him anymore!!
6.i'm drinking a really really good mango passion fruit juice squeeze, yesssssss.
7.ms. pfeifer didn't care that i turned in my reflection late. score.
8.i realized how much i appreciate how chill boys are. they're so drama less and funny.
9.i realized how much i love having my nail manicured because it looks pretty and makes me bite my cuticles less
10.i'm almost done with school! shit yeah!
(Rose i'm gonna burn you the CD i'm listening to, you're gonna love it!!!!!)