Sep 17, 2007 10:31
i miss that kid.
the changes are happening at a rapid pase now. while we were seeing each other every week for a while, we have been reduced to every month.
increased aggresion. lowering voice.
panic attacks frequently break the flow of conversation. painfull acne has made it hard for him to even wear his binder at times. i wish there was something more that i could do for him.
we were fighting for a while. constantly, this happened about a month ago, maybe less but it seems as though we are through it. since both of us are on soe kind of hormone therapy (mine to get my period, his to stop it) we have been on edge. snapping. we have found solutions in a few ways; learning what to say toeach other, and learning when not to say anything.
we were trying to comfort each other by saying the things we wanted to hear. the problem is that we wanted to hear different things because our problems are also completely different. his problems have tangible origins while mine are more emotionaly based. this doesnt mean one of us has a bigger problem than the other though. his problems are tangible so i cant simply comfort him or distract him from them and make him feel better. i have to acknowledge the problem and even agree, it sucks. on the same note, dani cant just tell me how to solve my problems. i'm just sad. there isnt a reason, so instead of trying to solve my problems which have very little to do with why i am upset, he must appeal to my emotions.
opposites attract? i'm going to school now. kthnxbi