A little late Christmas listing

Dec 29, 2010 12:45

So the 14th I got a huge Christmas Surprise from my family... they came to visit! They had been planning with Mike to keep me in the dark and it worked. So, Mike and I had decided to go to the mall and get some Chinese food for dinner (I didn't realize I was falling into the plan). We notice what appears to be a homeless guy in front of the restaurant. He asks for some change and we politely say we don't have any. We head into the restaurant and he follows us in demanding change. I am TERRIFIED at this point. Then the guy takes off his hat and scarf and sunglasses and it turns out to be my brother >.< FAIL! He said he was passing thru on his way to Knoxville and I except this as a completely normal exchange. If you knew my brother you would understand. So I am only mildly surprised at this point. I ask for a table for 3 and he directs us to a large table in the corner. I don't like sitting at a table bigger than we need and I noticed there was a woman was already sitting there. It took me far too long of a second to realize it was my sister.

This is a much bigger surprise as she had yet to make it to Asheville, but as she lives only an hour and a half away I could see the two of them plotting this together. AND THEN! My mom walks around the corner. My mom who lives in OHIO. I was speechless. I broke down and started sobbing uncontrollably. It felt like something right out of a reality show. So I got to spend some time with my family this holiday season which I really didn't think was going to happen. So happy Bishie. :-D

I spent this past week in G-boro (Natalie pointed out I fail at cities) with Mike's family (as I tend to spend holidays with as they are closer). Had a great time as I always do :-) Didn't think we would make it back on Sunday with all the crazy snow, but the roads were just fine. Now I am just counting down till New Years and the awesome unexpected party I am going to have! And get to hang out with people I love and miss. What awesome holidays :-)

Now on to the loot:

From Mom:
New onesie pajamas
A cow themed pajama set
a bottle of Goldschlager (yes my liquor of choice)
tic-tacs (orange nom nom)

From Stocking at In-laws:
fuzzy socks
deodorant (the good stuff... I needed it!)
soap (all natural :-))
Shampoo (the brand i love)
50 dollar bill

From In-laws:
Black button up sweater
Beige sweater
New robe (my last one Lina got me a million years ago and was on it last legs :-))
More plateware (we barely had enough >.<)
Mad Gab board game
Winter hat in the style of a fox

From my wonderful amazing Mikey:
Mint Aero bar (an elusive fav of mine)
Return to Labyrinth 4
Legends of the Dark Crystal 2
Coyote Blues by Christopher Moore

Cards from:
SO MANY PEOPLE! I have never gotten so many X-mas cards @_@ . I would list them all but I will save time by thanking the people on LJ who got me one.

Thank you cardcaptorkiki, washuotaku, cosplayneko, bassclefzinnia, and innocent_siren!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Holidays to all!
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