Apr 17, 2007 12:58
im so worn out my vacation was not relaxing at all... i sprained my anckle and am not so warn out im sick again! ugh.
it was nice to see my family but evry one kept asking about what was going on with my parents i mean i wish that would disappear! my cousin ryan was good though he drove me around and we just talked... i needed that. i hate seeing mom cry and its so getting old i feel like iv just sucked all my feelings down deep inside and im going to explode!!
so boston was interesting we stayed at this real sketchy church with bullit holes in the windows and blood on the side walk... yeah not what i call a great vacation. so one of the chaporones was pshco andscreamed like 24/7 at us she pushed me over the edge i bitched her out now if she was ever to go on a shooting spree i have a feeling in be at the top of her list!
my ankel started swelling and brusing i ended up at the emergency room in south boston as scethcy as the curch let me just say... went in at mid night got out at 4:30 in the morning was in a room with like 4 old men not the greatest place to be they kept walking past in their hospital gowns no undies yeah i got a show that night.
missed 1 of the 2 showers we got our 5 days we where there yeah we pretty scummy looking not so fun.
i worote a letter to my father sunday probuly the most honest thing i have ever written he almost cryed i think hes realy gone the man i used to call daddy who tought me so much is gone! steve the man i hate is here to stay. and moms almost done. i think my happy little family is ruined for good now. and im stuck in the middle and lost one of my favorit people in the world.ugh i just hurt all the time now.
o yeah i have a car now! its cute and i love it!
i belive i am done