Jan 25, 2007 08:58
this has been a weird week full of tests and im worryed about the outcome of each and evry one of them
english regents = hell for your hands it felt like it was going to fall off by the endo of my second 4 page essay
art im most worried about though its kida lame but like its my future one of the things that may be the deciding dactor weather a college accepts or rejects me
i hate rejection theres a lot of it
yeah so i took my 5 hr on tuesday prolly one of the biggest wastes of 4 hrs of my life me and jay went and i was the only girl in a room full of guys who dint care that i was there and all of them where disscusing how much girls suck and how controling we are ... that wasnt to fun feeling like the odd one out
so we go for our half an hour break and me and jay go to the middle school and convince the janitor to let us into my moms classroom we get in and cant figure out how to turn the lights on cause we are lame...
so we are jumping around hopeinf they r motion sesored they are... so we make up this game where u through a ball and it has to land on a random blue squar and watched friends as it was time to go down the stairs and back i totaly forget that jay has a broken anckle
so we r trying to figure out how to get him back down
so we deside that hes gonna slide down the railing so he starts and the chain on his walet gets stuck so im like on top of him trying to free the chain and the janior comes up the stairs and starts yelling at us and is like "u cant do that here!!"
omg it was so embarrising so i had to showhim that we where trying to get the chain un hooked
yeah so we almost got kicked out of mynders by a janitor who thoughts something was ahppening that wasnt awkwardness!