Aug 14, 2006 11:07
this week has been interesting full of alot of nothingness and bordom and fear
scary old men have been the sorce of my fear this week 2 instances where i felt more fear then i have my entire life more then the fear each time i go diveing or when i see a maniquin like fear for my safe being
on friday i was home alone watching tv drawing hanging out normal stuff when i desided to get the mail a simple task of walking across the road (414) and opening the little door on the box grabing it and recrossing then returning safely to my home
well as i was trying to re cross my road a man pulls over right next to me slowly i got scared and ran acroos my road and into my house and locked the door and called jay idk y i guess ijust needed a guy to feel safe the guy just sat across the road staring at my house for like 10 mins
i sat on the couch watching shaking scared b/c there was no onehome to protect me it was only me and jay on the phone at work telling me he was gonna hang up and call the police to come and save me but i dint want to not have him on the phone!
so about 20 mins past by and the man comes out of his truck and walks down my drive way and starts knocking on the door i was panicing crying and ran too my room and hid under the covers b/c for some reason u always feel safer under blankets
he stayed there for like 5 mins then gave up and drove away... all that fear for nothing thank god!!
so then i went to hannahs birthday party at junius ponds we had alot of fun we went hiking and played army with these 2 little kids and sat and talked for ever at like 12:30 in the moring me, mike, jay , ashlee , and caitlin desided to lay under the stars and just watch them it was beautiful
so we were laying there having a deep conversation and we see a light since we were in the road we were like crap car and started to get up but it wasnt a car it was an old man with a flash light he pointed it at us 3 girls then he pointed it back at me and then grabed me (trying for the boob but missed i dont think he relized it) smiled and walked away kicking mike while passing
ashlee and caitlin saw the whole thing and were like omg did he just do what we thought and i was like yup jay and mike both got pissed jay was like im gonna punch him evry one was flusterd and we all desided to stay together so we all went for a bathroom break and then went to the play grond where the old man came up to us again it seemed he went where ever we went the whole day
so we finly get in the tent to go to sleep and i was still super scared so the guys let me sleep in their tent ashlee woke up first and told me that the creepy man was out side out camp site when she woke up!!
i mean for a man to grab some one in front of 4 other ppl what would have happend if there went 2 guys around im juat happy i dint have to find out!!
yeah any ways those were the 2 scaryest experences of my life
i dont understand why i can attract scary old man rapeists but cant attract guys my own age who are normal!!
grrr i suck