School Started

Jun 18, 2009 21:50

Well, I am now in the beginning of my first quarter at Midwestern University, Glendale. Today was my first quiz, and even though it was short and easy, somehow taking it made me finally feel that, "whoa, I'm actually in pharmacy school" feeling. =) I guess during Orientation and the first week and a half of school it felt almost like an extension of undergrad or something, but today I had my first real grade which makes my presence here feel more official somehow.

It feels weird to be doing full-time school in the summer though. It is very hot in Arizona, although I heard it could be worse haha. I am also a little sad because I am missing out on a summer vacation and some events going on back in California like weddings, conventions, and concerts. And of course I miss my family and friends back home, and just California in general. But, there will be many week or so breaks for me to come back home so it'll be ok.

Oh, but I am sad because I don't have my Street Fighter 4 with me. The Street Fighter happened to be in a container that we forgot to bring with us to Arizona during the move. Hopefully my mom will find it and mail it to me heheh. It will be a good reliever of stress. =D
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