Jun 01, 2008 16:47

Pictures of my hair under the cut. I'd also like to point out that I'm not BLONDE-blonde or have SHORT-short hair. So anyone who was expecting a Gerard á la Black Parade will be sorely disappointed (Nettie, I am looking at you).

Which reminds me, Nettie/Emma, I have no money on my phone right now so I can't text back, but:
Emma, I read about Ani's baby a few weeks ago, I think. I was oddly surprised.
Nettie, SURRRE you weren't expecting Gerard. I have loads of things to tell you about the trip and I will do so. Very soon :D

So, right, the hair is more HONEY-blonde than BLONDE-blond and my hair is like... A few centimetres shy of my shoulders. I got off like two decimetres of my hair, so that's what I meant by a lot.

Anyway... Pictures!

Song of the Day:
One Republic - Stop and Stare
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