Oct 29, 2005 15:49
THE "RULES": List five songs that you are currently "loving". It doesn't matter what "genre" they are from, whether they have "words", or even if they're "any good", but they must be songs you're "really enjoying right now". Post "these" instructions, the "artists", and the songs in your "blog". Then "tag" five other Xanga/LiveJournal "friends" to "see" "what" they"re" listening "to""."""
1. Photograph By Nickelback
2. You and me By Lifehouse
3. Behind those eyes you hide By 3 doors down
4. Daughters By John Mayer
5. Mockingbird by Eminem
I TAG: Brooke tagged me and since she is the only one I know on here, I tag no one. :(
LOL :)