Title: Those Words
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Anya Emerson/Alexander Harris
Prompt: 002. Middles. [2/100]
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: After I wrote this I felt really mean. This is where writer's block leads. :/ Hate mail to the usual address. And I promise I'll make up for this... swear.
They hadn't been careful enough. )
But otherwise you're a pyscho- but mucho love dearest.
And did you read the Part II and Pre-equal? Hm? I know you're like much busy but when you can you're opinion would be tighter than spandex.
Aw...Anya. They just walked over your body.
Joss...damn you...(baby I didn't mean Iloveyousomefuckingmuch)
I can most certainly go take a look. :)
I have a major love/hate/lovelovelove relationship with teh Joss. [okay, maybe I am a little crazy.]
It hurts me but I like it.
And um I like the layout...one of my fave eps.
But umm...Michael Buble singing SAve the last Dance for me is hurting my heart and making me twitch...that song is the root of most of my problems.
Like the Buff/Angel theme...lol
you're an amazing writer, k.
Thank you! It's def one of my favorites, too.
Hee. Michael Buble makes me giggle, but not when he's covering one of my favorite songs evah. Nobody needs that. The Drifters > Michael Buble.
Um, I cry everytime I hear Close Your Eyes. It's bad.
Yea- He reminds me of that John Mayer Fellow but more sauve and he doesn't make funny faces when he sings.
I reeeeaaaallly like Feeling Good- the video and the song are so lovely.
But um...you liked what I wrote eh? Did you like Part II?
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