Apr 05, 2003 13:52
You know, if I didn't love the stuff money gets me, I'd hate it:) I just paid mass amount of bills, and as I was reading my best buy bill, I never realized that I had deferred interest, that is coming due on may 2nd... I thought I had been having interest all along, and now I'm going to have an additional 35 dollars on my bill... Best Buy is one of the cards that gives you a really low monthly payment, so it takes you forever to pay it off.. My bill was almost 600 dollars, and yet I only had to pay 10.00 if I just did that it would take me over five years to pay that off!! At least my Kaufmann's card makes you pay more the higher your balance.. like if it's over 200, you have to pay 40... it's more legit in getting the pbill paid off.. although their interest is HUGE, like 26%... so while I'm not really spending much lately... except on tuesday, which was paulie and I's 4th anniversary, I'm still pretty broke, and just need to watch it... I also need to look for a good summer job... maybe I'll work at a theme park in the bar.. that'd be fun, and i'd get to learn how to make drinks! hmm... interesting idea... must explore that... well, I'm off to go watch more angeel, and then go to work... bllltt.. I believe i'm working a wedding, which hopefully has a DJ, instead of a live band, as ever live band i've ever seen at the marriott has sucked ass, and music makes the time go more quickly.. and actually, I'll correct myself... every band that sings has sucked, the quartets and such have been really pretty.