KOOL AID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 04, 2004 23:50

Ok, so I just went to Krogers, and as we're randomly walking down aisles we see the Kool Aid spot on the shelves.... as I am looking at the price I realize that they are not the normal 6/1.49 meaning every packet is a quarter, INSTEAD kool aid, for the first time in at least five years that I can remember, is 10/1.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, or a dime a packet!!!!! this means that 100 packets are 10.00, which gives 50 gallons of kool aid.... much much cheaper than iced tea at 6 bucks for 2.5 gallons.... especially since I have a ten pound bag of sugar in the cupboard

We also figured out the math on the amount of sugar thta will be needed to make all of this koolaid......... are you ready???? It will take 47.2 pounds of sugar to make all 118 packets that I bought.... so for anybody in cincinnati who needs a cheap non alcohol drink, go for some kool aid!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY About to embark on a sugar high, which shall be fantastic!!!!! Mayhaps I will finish crochetting the blanket all in one sitting with enough of this kool aid!!!
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