Well a bunch of junk has gone on since I posted here last but I'm lazy so these are going to be sound bytes of news...
First things first, I saw Harry Potter Tuesday night and it was awesome. My best friend and I dressed up (as Gryffindors of course) at it was alot of fun, even with grown men/women leering at us. We met some cool people in the line and in the movie so all in all it was a pretty awesome experience.
Baseball is back on and my Yankees need to get their shit together. No real plans for the weekend, other than seeing my ailing grand-aunt though my mom says she is feeling much better thank god.
Fuck New Jersey. If only for the reason that it takes me forever to get there. On a real note though, I was there on Saturday to see bf and I was following some sketch direction, got off the bus at the wrong stop and then procedeed to wait for Aaron to pick me up. As I'm sitting by the bus stop, as a mixed girl in a mostly Italian neighborhood, some guy walks by and then comes back to say to me "If you look at me, I'll kill you." So yeah, Jersey sucks monkey balls.
Went to Nevada's twice this week, that's a record for me in the off-season I'm sure, and let me just say how much I love that place.
Oh and I love Mark Texiera. The new Yankee stadium is awesome!