What else can I say besides, we did the unexpected. The United States of America's National Team beat Spain. 2-0. Outright. No penalties. With a man down. No B.S. They just played up. I may be a bit tipsy but in my 20+ years of life and love of sports I can't say that I have ever been more proud of a sports team (my Yankees included) than I am right now. Hell, I still have on my Altidore USA kit. I don't give a flying fuck what the haters (my boyfriend and his idiot friend included) have to say, the US won, we are going to the final. Story end of.
So enjoy the happy shot of Landon, Boca (How I missed him) and a very shirtless Gooch.
Will talk about other things like the NHL Hall of Fame tomorrow. Stevie Fucking Y!!!