Played another session of our Burning Akşam game last night. It sure is a slow burn. I'm still finding the mechanics challenging. I think I enjoy Duel of Wits the most, particularly when they're a Big Deal. At other times, I'm still struggling to grasp how to drive the story, how to use my building rolls
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Hmm... clearly I have a project... ;)
The thing to really remember with Building rolls is that they are not *only* building in the sense of building up infrastructure (I build a spaceship, I build an alliance) but can also be thought of in the sense of building tension, building towards the real deal, the big finish. They can be used to do really serious things on the *character* level (kidnap, subvert, assassinate, explode people/things) and accomplish nearly anything (need to infiltrate: building roll, need to fortify: building roll, need to hack their comms: building roll). The conflicts are for specific sorts of interactions with the other main players - for everything else there is a building roll. The scope and extent of what they can do depends on the colour, what you want to do, and how you want to do it - the system is pretty versatile and you are free to make your ultimate choice of how to proceed on the basis of your own criteria (e.g. "It would be dramatic and apt to use Circles, but more mechanically effective to use Resources...").
Maybe we need to have another (pre-movie) beer with the whole gang sometime and talk about this kind of thing outside of game-time?
I'd definitely be up for out-of-game discussion.
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