May 26, 2009 08:59
Played another session of our Burning Akşam game last night. It sure is a slow burn. I'm still finding the mechanics challenging. I think I enjoy Duel of Wits the most, particularly when they're a Big Deal. At other times, I'm still struggling to grasp how to drive the story, how to use my building rolls.
I'm enjoying the game, more each time I play. It's certainly not my favourite game, but it's good to play in a long term game and experience the rise and fall of an epic campaign.
My one shot Tuesday game maybe happening tonight, maybe not. It'll just be three of us but I have game that work with that number. At this month's ANURPS game day I might run a game or two and the big Phenomenon RPG convention is on over the long weekend.
I'm totally spoilt. But I doubt I will be able to maintain this level for much longer, considering I'll have a baby round the house soon. Then all my priorities will change. Such is life.