Mar 12, 2005 15:33
i seriously hate college, it is annoying and costs too much money. I wish there was no such thing as money cuz i would not be as stressed out then. my mom keeps bugging me about applying for scholarships and im like umm ok so i got on the site and try and get applications and i can't figure out how to get the application cuz the links are lame and yeah im frustrated. maybe some random person will just be like "here caitlin, id like to give you a bazillion dollars so you can go to college" that would be cool... to bad it won't happen.. oh well.. i guess i will try and apply for that regan library scholarship. The likelyhood of me getting money from that is not very high though. meh. im over it. oh yeah and i am just a lazy kid and don't do anything...its the day of being nagged woo . soweeeet... maybe ill try and find a job. ok the end.