The Serpent Chapter 22 Part III

Dec 17, 2014 14:42

Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" is the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. This work of fiction/art was created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

The Serpent

Chapter 22 Part III

Granger was as exquisite as he remembered her to be from their one night together at the club, her body perfectly formed and eager to be owned.

He ran his hands across her smooth skin, touching her briefly over every inch, learning her shape once more. She wasn't bird thin, like Astoria, or too curvy, as Gabrielle Delacour had been, nor was she in tight physical condition with abs better than his, as that feral Chang chick had been. Granger was somewhere in between, with a lovely hourglass shape that was wholly feminine, but fit. There was meat on her hips, a small roundness to her lower belly, and her arse was damned shapely.

He had to admit, his favourite part of her were her breasts, though. Bloody hell, but he loved those gorgeously formed mounds. They were a perfect size for his hands, the nipples cherry ripe and begging for attention. He'd spent nights imagining himself deep inside her, eyes locked on those bouncing breasts as he pounded her pussy hard, watching her back arch and her nipples tighten right as she climaxed. Fucking beautiful.

He stroked over them now, massaging and arousing his lovely slave. She shivered against him, her eagerness and nervousness in equal measure to his own.

Don't let me fuck this up, he silently prayed.

He was utterly and distressingly aware that if he failed to prove to her tonight that he could be her ideal partner in bed, there would not be another chance for them. Granger had finally hit her prime, and she was beginning to realise that a relationship without sexual compatibility was merely a comfortable friendship. She had plenty of the latter, which was why she was so desperately seeking the former now. Draco intended on giving her the best of both, but in order to get that chance, he needed to succeed here, tonight… which meant, he needed to be completely focussed. A sub's trust in her Dom's ability to lead her where she needed to be to find her ultimate fulfilment-be it physical or emotional-was the entire basis of a Master/slave relationship. One wrong move, one attempt made too soon or too late, or one wrong observation about where her head space was and exactly how much she could handle at any particular moment, and it could sour the experience.

He bent his head to the task of savouring her breasts, while one hand dipped between her legs, feeling her quivering, slick flesh part for him. She'd been so wet and ready for him that night at the club, too; her arousal had practically dripped down her thighs as he'd eaten her out. Now, it was soaking his hand. He slid two fingers into her, feeling her tight flesh part, scissoring them to stretch her open. Her insides erupted with tiny tremors as he began stroking, even as he sucked a nipple hard between his lips.

Granger gasped, moaned, squirmed. He'd have to teach her later to be still, to accept the pleasure. Right now, she fought it, even as she fought herself to give into it. It was hard for her, this game of acquiescence, but her willingness to try it, especially with him-the one person in the world she had no reason to trust, given their past-made him all that more eager to prove to her what a good Master he could be to her. If she would allow him, over time, he would guide her to true freedom through complete submission, and in so doing, be the only man to ever truly touch every corner of her heart.

He wanted that so badly he burned for it. He'd been in love with Hermione Granger forever, had wanted her even when he'd known he shouldn't, had turned himself from a snivelling, cowardly child into a powerful man who garnered respect from a life of legitimate practise... and all for an opportunity to catch her notice.

When his chance had at long last come that night at the club, he'd done what any smart Slytherin would have: taken the opportunity and run with it. He'd recognised her immediately, of course, as his mask had been charmed so he could see right through even the best glamour spells. He'd shadowed her for two hours, watching her as she'd observed the public performers, noting her expressions and body language for clues as to her interests and filing away in his mind the things that seemed to turn her off. He'd come to understand her that night, found their commonality, and recognised his 'in'. That's when he'd made his move.

Gods, the things he'd done to her that night! The things she'd allowed!

Tonight, he would repeat that success, only this time when he took her to Heaven, he'd make sure she wouldn't want to run from him ever again.


Draco's hard suction on her nipple was just that tiny bit of pain to go nicely along with the pleasure he kindled between her thighs. One hand kept her vulnerable and open as the other embedded two, then three fingers into her, stretching her, preparing her for his claiming.

No matter how much this turned her on, Hermione still felt shy at being so utterly exposed to someone else - not just physically, but emotionally as well. This was her: no embellishments, without society's imposed restrictions, and without the self-induced guilt she usually felt at her more unconventional sexual preferences... and Draco Malfoy was the first man to see this part of her, to entice it, to cultivate it. He was stripping her naked in every sense of the word, and that both terrified and elated her.

Please don't let me ruin this for us, she silently pleaded, afraid her inexperience would turn him off and make him decide she wasn't worth the effort. He had a line of women dying for this opportunity, and if she didn't want him turning back to them to fulfil his needs, she would have to focus, to be willing to try something new and scary, and to give a piece of her soul away to him, understanding that she'd never get it back.

Could she do it?

I want him more than I want to be afraid.

She could do this! She would do this!

When he lifted his mouth from her breast at long last, she watched him examine his handiwork. A supreme male satisfaction crossed his face as he thumbed her bruised, aching nipple. His eyes lifted to hers, and locked on as he turned to the neglected nipple and took it between his teeth, repeating his attentions. Hermione's head tossed on the pillow as he sucked hard and pulled his tongue across the tiny bud, the strong pressure making her arch her back. A low, demanding moan escaped her lips, the sound wrapping around them.

Draco understood her unspoken request and gave her what she needed. He withdrew his fingers from the depths of her pussy, reached down and grabbed his hard shaft in hand, and slowly guided it into her.

She threw her head back, arching her neck as he slid deep and true with that first thrust.

Perfectly filled with his lovely cock, Hermione's whole body shook with the need for fast, sweaty fulfilment. Instead, Draco held still, gripping her hips and leveraged over her at an angle that assured she felt every inch of him stretching her open - and that there was no question of his ownership of her in that moment.

He lifted his mouth from her breast and kissed her lips. "Obey me, my slave: you will not come until I tell you that you can."

"Y-yes, Master," she replied, already on that biting edge and ready to fall over. "I... I'll try."

He remained still within her, holding her in that perfect moment, waiting with all the patience of a serpent for something from her. Unsure what she'd done wrong, Hermione looked up into his wintery gaze and reconsidered her answer. In a flash of insight, she realised that she'd defied him without meaning to. Stricken by her mistake, she amended her answer. "I mean… yes, I'll obey. I will."

Draco's genuine smile was her reward.

Then he moved, and all her thoughts flew away.

Holding her hips down, he fucked into her steady and slow, establishing a pattern that quickly lulled her into relaxing. He took his time, rebuilding her arousal, creating intimacy, convincing her that he was 'safe'. Their eyes met, held and she wondered what he was thinking, how to please him, if this was the connection she'd craved all her life.

"I want to hear you, my pet," he softly bade. "Let me hear your pleasure."

Hermione shuddered, moaned, her every exhale a trembling hiss of air as he continued his maddeningly slow rhythm. "Oh," she whispered as he pulled all the way out, the wide, thick head of him stroking just perfectly against her opening as it came free. She gave a kittenish mewl as he leisurely slid back in, parting her damp flesh and filling her back up. "Master… use me, please."

His voice was a dark, tantalizing velvet sliding against her senses. "Oh, I plan to, my beautiful slave." He bent at the waist so he could sip some more at her lips. "My lovely, sexy slut, I plan to have all of you tonight… and you will willingly give yourself to me."

"Yes, yes, yes," she whispered, fully giving in to his seduction.

Their breaths began to harmonize and her body responded to his gentle rhythm in a way she hadn't expected: tongues of heat leisurely licked along her spine, through her thighs, into her pussy. Her muscles went loose. She didn't try to fight the ribbons that held her in place. Where their flesh was joined, the sensation of their gentle coupling smouldered, slowly burning.

When all her worries drifted from her head and her whole world became the enjoyment of him moving over and in her, Draco finally ignited her passion.

With a shift of his hips, he was up on his knees, rolling and rotating his pelvis, grinding her onto his prick with a strong hold. The time for gentleness was over. Now that she had given herself up to his expertise, he planned to show her why he was Master. "You will take everything I give to you," he told her, circling his hips and going impossibly deeper into her. "Every inch, every thrust, every drop of come, you'll take it all."

A tiny voice in the back of her head warned her that this was wrong, dirty - bad, bad, bad. She shouldn't want this, shouldn't be so turned on by his calling her his 'slave', or his 'pet', or his 'slut', shouldn't allow herself to surrender, shouldn't be so vulnerable. Constant vigilance!

He placed a strangely tender kiss on one ankle before thrusting hard into her again. Then, he did the same to the other ankle. On his next surge forward, Hermione arched upwards towards him, meeting him half-way. She offered him her pussy, letting his cock take it and fuck it to his heart's content. She wanted this, needed this... needed him. Nothing else mattered but pleasing Draco and taking pleasure from that act.

"Y-yes, Master," she replied, letting her balled hands go slack, surrendering. "This body is yours. Do with it as you will. Please."

His growl of approval was loud, lusty. The silken ribbons holding her ankles went tight and snapped as he shoved the backs of her thighs up, pushing her legs into the air. He held her like that, splayed wide open as he fiercely pumped into her then, no more teasing. "Such pretty manners," he praised as his flesh relentlessly slapped against hers as their bodies fiercely met, "but I'm going to make you forget them, mon minou. You'll forget anything else exists but what I do to you by the time we're done here tonight."

"Oh, God, yes," she cried as his pace sped up and he fucked into her mercilessly.

For the next several hours, Draco did exactly as promised, taking her higher than ever before, ploughing into her body and her soul until tears of joy dripped down her cheeks, just like the night at the BDSM club.

That first time, he denied her release, but took his own, spraying his come all over and inside her pussy until it dripped down her slit and out of her opening to saturate the bed beneath them. His warm cream felt wonderful all over her, especially as he scooped some up and rubbed it into her nipples; the sticky texture was a salve for the swollen tips. It tasted even better than it felt, as he gathered a bit and commanded her to lick and suck it off his fingers.

After a brief rest period where he touched, licked and suckled her everywhere again, keeping her stimulated and on edge, he flipped her over onto her belly, raised her bum and spread her legs before slowly inserting a well-lubricated, small beaded plug into her arse. As she clung to the ribbons that now bound her wrists together to the headboard, she tried very hard to remain still as he fucked her with the solid glass implement. Her leg muscles shook, though, despite her concentration. Truthfully, she nearly fainted at how erotic a sensation it was once she got over the initial stretching and adjustment. Draco's continual reminders of how forbidden such an act was, and what a naughty girl she was for liking it only served to heighten her arousal further.

When the plug was deep inside her, he shoved two fingers into her pussy and began a teasing rhythm that wasn't enough to topple her into bliss, but just enough to drive her closer to that edge. Bending over her, he whispered provocative things in her ear - how he was going to fuck her mouth and come down her throat later, but first he'd replace the plug with his cock and take her backside for his use. He shared with her the fantasy he had about taking her to the club, stripping her completely naked, restraining her in the public room from the wrist shackles that hung from the ceiling, and fucking her in front of everyone.

"They'll watch, they'll want you, but they'll never have you," he promised her, removing the plug from her body, replacing it with his cock. Lined up perfectly, he drove forward into her, until he was seated to the hilt, his passage aided by the lubrication. Hermione cried out at the divine burn, and tossed her head back. Draco grabbed her hair, held her head still, and put his mouth to her throat. "They'll never have you because you're mine, Granger," he growled in a sex-rough voice and bit down, sinking his teeth into the soft flesh over her pulse.

By the time he'd come a second time, Hermione was delirious and sweating and shaking from head to toe. The pain of almost-there-but-not-quite was so intense she considered for a brief second using her safe word. Something held her back, though, told her it wasn't right to say it this easily. She wasn't hurting, merely desperate to orgasm. The safe word was designed for emergencies, not for this. Besides, she could take more, if he needed her to. That was the responsibility of a submissive, wasn't it?

Withdrawing from her body slowly, Draco sat back on his haunches and observed the beautiful mess he'd made of her from behind. "Fucking gorgeous," he whispered with a touch of awe in his tone, reaching up to trace the contours of her bum. Two of his fingers worked their way back into her pussy and began a slow fucking rhythm. "You want it now, don't you?" he teased, leaning forward and nipping the flesh of her arse. "You want to come so badly right now that you're ready to give anything, aren't you?"

Her breath hitched as he spoke the truth, but she remained on her hands and knees, head bowed, waiting for him to give her his next command instead, holding her desire in check. "I serve your needs first, Master. Do you require more of your slave?"

He withdrew his hand and for a moment, she felt bereft. In a beat, he was on his back under her, however, his mouth aligned with her pussy, and she realised his intention. Reaching up, he pinched her nipples, keeping them sensitive. "You are an amazing woman, my Granger," he praised her. "You have satisfied me well tonight, and deserve a reward. Lower your hips and let me taste your pussy again."

Relief and excitement flooded through her, as Hermione remembered well from their night at the club just how talented Draco's tongue could be. He was as clever and sharp with it while eating her cunt as he was in the courtroom making a case. Now, he turned that talent on her once again, and within moments, had her screaming with orgasm. He kept up the pressure through her body's violent response, holding tight to her hips to keep them connected as he lapped up her flowing juices. The suction of his mouth combined with the expert motions of his tongue forcing her into a second, blinding climax that had her gasping for air and calling out his name with what little breath she could spare.

When it was over, she slumped, her thighs so achy and unsteady that she was unable to support her weight any longer. Draco rolled her onto her back before she could drop, and she flopped boneless and sated to the mattress. He left her there for a moment as he got up from the bed, and distantly, she heard the sound of a faucet turning and water being rung from a cloth.

Alone, staring up at the ceiling, she allowed her mind to drift over the night's bizarre sequence of events. She'd come to the party to find Draco and apologise, but instead, she'd ended up Theo's faux date, which had been, ironically enough, the catalyst for her and Draco actually coming together… and fighting. Then, Astoria had shown up and Hermione had been sure that whatever she and Draco would say to each other after that disaster wouldn't be good. And it hadn't (Merlin, had she really struck him again?). But something had shifted in those few moments, and the man who frustrated her enough to want to tear her hair out had dropped his walls. He'd submitted first, and that had allowed her to feel safe enough to try it, too.

What he'd done to her here tonight had forever changed her, even more so than their night together at the club. Tonight, she'd made a conscious choice to adopt submission into her sexual life, and now that the door was unlocked, she knew she'd never be able to go back. She'd never want to. This was what she needed.

It seemed to be what Draco needed as well. He'd been absolutely beautiful releasing into her body tonight, his rapturous expression one of a man having found his purpose in life. Unlike at the club, she'd been able to actually see his face this time, their initial missionary position allowing them an intimacy their secondary position had not. Watching him come undone as he'd spilled into her that first time-beautifully backlit by the golden firelight that had magically come to life the moment they'd Apparated into his bedroom-had been a heart-shaking experience and one she'd never forget. How she'd love to see that transcendent expression on his face every day for the rest of their lives!

The bed dipped as Draco returned, and she glanced up at him through sleepy eyes, exhausted but happier than she could ever remember being.

"I'm proud of you," he said, kissing her and cleaning her skin with a damp rag. He sponged away her sweat, and carefully wiped between her legs. He untied her wrists, massaged them, and held her close to his chest as they snuggled down under the covers together. "You did so well, love. You took it all, just as I knew you could, and you were gorgeous doing so. We both needed this." He kissed her temple as she lay, limp against him. "I know we still have a lot to discuss, but right now... you should rest. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Thank you," she murmured, around a small yawn. "Oh, Draco, thank you so much."

He kissed her lips, softly, sweetly. "It was my pleasure, truly."

"Mine, too," she admitted and closed her eyes, relaxing into the warmth of her lover's embrace.

#draco malfoy, #dramione, #hermione granger, #smut

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