The Serpent Chapter 14 Part II

Nov 14, 2014 15:09

Disclaimer: "Harry Potter" is the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. This work of fiction/art was created entirely for fun, not for profit, and no copyright infringement is intended.

The Serpent

Chapter 14

"No, you don't feel wrong at all. In fact, you feel so perfectly right for me that it frightens me," she tremulously admitted.

His hands froze, and he went stone-still behind her.

"You're right. I do need you," she fully surrendered. "I need you until I can't breathe some days! Would you… do as you've promised, if I were to trust you with everything?"

Before her brain could chastise her on how desperate she sounded, her thief let out a shuddering, relieved breath. He lovingly nuzzled her throat and pressed a soft kiss to the side of her temple, accepting the responsibility she'd just laid at his feet.

Silently, with reverent precision, he pushed the satin fabric of her bodice aside, exposing her breasts to the cool air. Her nipples went hard and tight and Hermione choked on a moan when his fingers lightly caressed them, massaging the flesh and circling her areolas with his nails.

"Your skin is so soft," he groaned, pinching the erect peaks. "I remember that… And you react so sweetly and honestly to me like this, don't you?"

"Yes," she panted, uncaring about how wanton she was acting. She arched her spine, pushing more of her flesh to his warm hands and wiggled her bottom against his hips, rubbing his arousal. "Don't stop, please!"

Her mystery lover swore under his breath and abruptly released one breast. His hand pressed flat against her stomach, and he put pressure on her centre to bring her even closer to him. Her back straightened, which brought her fully upright. 'The Serpent' bent his head and bit down hard on the lee of her shoulder.

Hermione cried out in pleasure and pulled at the magical restraints holding her hands captive.

"Reality is so much better than fantasy, my beauty," her mouthed against the skin of her throat as he lavished the spot with wet kisses. "I can't tell you how hard I get when I remember your moans, but to hear them now is driving me mad. I need to hear you come again, my Lioness. I want to see it and feel it this time, too."

"Then take me," she whimpered, drowning in the sensations. Her body was on fire, her blood boiled in her veins, and her pussy was aching with the need to be filled. She had never wanted a man like she wanted this one. "Make me come for you. Please."

He roughly bit her again in the same spot as before, pinning her like an animal might its mate, and wedged a leg between hers. He moved his thigh upwards, pressing just perfectly against her cunt.

A curse left his lips when he felt her heat even through three layers of clothing. "Fuck, you burn for me, don't you, love?"

Hermione gave incoherent replies as her whole body shook, seeking a release from the intense sensual pressure. Her eyes squeezed shut as ripples of pleasure erupted in her core whenever her lover moved his leg, causing her silk knickers to be drenched with her juices.

Growling low in his throat, her thief hastily pulled one side of her skirt aside, and cupped her mons intimately. Hermione gasped and bucked against his hand, lust overwhelming her senses.

"Bloody hell, you're so warm and wet. Tell me, is this all for me - only for me?"

Incapable of forming coherent sentences, she nodded.

His hand tightened on her breast, and he stopped the slow movement of his leg. "I believe I asked you a question, my sweet girl. Answer me."

Hermione almost came right then. The way he demanded her obedience, halting her pleasure until she surrendered complete control to him. The threat of later punishment was clear in his tone, and it aroused her to an almost unbearable point. "Yes," she gasped, repeating the word again and again so he'd know she was doing as he wanted. She nearly screamed with delight a moment later when, with a decisive pull, her thief ripped one side of her panties, and dove in, parting her pussy folds with a rough touch. "Oh my God!" she bawled behind her teeth as he rewarded her by slicking his digits up and down between her lower lips.

"Oh, yeah, so wet for me," he hissed in triumph, tracing her soaking slit with an expert touch. At the same time, he rhythmically thrust his erection against her bum and resuming his torturous fondling of her chest with his other hand.

"More... please, I need more!"

"Shh, I'll give you everything you need, my sweet girl." He promised before licking a path from her shoulder to her cheek. Her position didn't allow him to kiss her lips, but it didn't deter him from tasting her. "You'll take what I give you, too, won't you? Take it and love every second of it. And in return, you'll give me everything back."

She mewled as finally-fucking hell, finally!-his thumb brushed her neglected clit. Hermione closed her eyes, tilted her head back a bit, and bit her bottom lip to stop from crying out again. God, it was good… so good!

"No," he admonished her, tapping her clit before rubbing it in slow circles that drove her stark-raving mad with lust. "I want to hear you, love. Let me hear how much you're enjoying this, and I'll give you what you want."

Hermione thrust her breast more fully into his hand, threw back her head, and screamed just as he thrust two fingers deep and hard inside her tight channel and pinched and pulled her nipple so hard she was sure it would be bruised tomorrow. The small pain only added fuel to her climax, and she positively wailed with pleasure, her back arching as lights burst behind her eyelids. Her orgasm hit her harder than ever before.

Her lover's fingers never stopped moving, prolonging her loud bliss as they fucked her to a fierce rhythm. They sent her in a second blinding release within seconds as he dragged his knuckles over that spot up inside her pussy.

The world fuzzed, went white. Dazedly, Hermione heard her thief muttering soothing words as he continued to caress her inside and out. His voice was husky and his speech slurred with his own need as his hips thrust against her backside. His breath came in short pants of air against the nape of her neck.

Sensing and hearing that he was close to his own peak, she started rocking her bum in counterpoint to his thrusts to create friction for him. He choked, both of his hands flying to her hips as his thrusts sped up. His mouth latched on her throat, suckling her skin.

Without warning, her hands were suddenly free and Hermione was roughly turned around. Her back collided with the door, as rough hands grabbed her thighs and lifted her off the ground. Arms and legs wrapped around her masked man, Hermione realised that this had been her fantasy for weeks, ever since she'd seen Malfoy with Astoria. Now, she was doing this with her thief.

Hermione locked eyes with him…

Silver. They were an exquisite shade of silver in the moonlight.


Her words were swallowed by his hungry mouth as he took her lips like a man starved, his hips jerking between her thighs, the leather of his pants rubbing her clit continuously, renewing her arousal. Making small, animal-like noises, she hugged him close, returning his kiss with a passion that shocked even her. Boldly, she traced a hand down his muscular back, and grabbed his buttock.

He wretched his mouth away, letting out a long, guttural moan. His back arched, his jaw tensed… and suddenly he was coming violently against her, his expression one of sheer bliss. What she could see of his expression was of a man abandoning every earthly sense and finding, at long last, the splendour of Heaven. He was absolutely beautiful.

"Mine, mine, mine," he whispered as he came back down from his high, pressing his forehead to hers. His body continued to make small jerking motions as aftershocks rolled through him. "You're so mine… my Lioness… my love."

An unidentifiable amount of time later, Hermione came back to her full senses. Logically, she knew she should feel disgusted with what she had done-he was a stranger and a hunted man, and she a member of law enforcement-and she fully expected to be crushed by guilt now that her brain was not clouded with lust. But it wasn't. No guilt weighed down upon, although she knew her actions were inexcusable. Instead, she felt a weight being lifted from her shoulders; a burden she hadn't even realised she was carrying was suddenly missing. She felt lighter of soul, much as she had in the moments back at that BDSM club, right before her shame had caught up to her. This time, though, there was none of that to ruin the high. There was only a sense of completion.

She'd found her other half.

She smiled when 'The Serpent' slowly pulled back to look at her, a curious glimmer in his eyes and a timid smile on his face, as if he hadn't just dry humped her against a wall. The darkness surrounding them provided cover and privacy, so Hermione let her guard down, and allowed him to see how she really felt. She was sated, and happy, and free.

"I expect Potter and a horde of Aurors will burst through the door soon," he commented in a tired voice. His hands were still on her thighs, rubbing small circles on her ultra-sensitive skin.

"Most likely, yes," she confirmed, stroking his back in a similar fashion.

"I should go," he remarked, watching her closely for his cue.

"I'd think so, unless you wish to spend a few years in Azkaban." She touched her painted nails lightly to his mouth and traced them. "I just wish we'd had more time."

His shoulders relaxed, as if an unspoken question had been answered for him, and he kissed her fingertips. "Although playing guard and prisoner is a fantasy of mine," he teasingly drawled, "no, I can't say I'd enjoy a stint in Azkaban."

"Well, then," she said and sighed with disappointment, "you should go."

"Yes, it would seem."

Neither moved.

Hermione knew that by letting him go tonight, she'd become an accomplice to his criminal activities. However, after quickly mulling it over, she'd decided she didn't care. Yes, it was a conflict of interest, but she had to agree that what this man was doing was setting things to right - things the Ministry should have been doing, rather than pandering to campaign contributors and political alliances. The stolen Muggle artefacts should, by all rights, go back to their original owners. The real thieves in this case-the pure-bloods who had acquired the items under questionable circumstances to begin with-were the real criminals here.

In a way, 'The Serpent' was doing her job properly in righting the wrongs in the world.

The muffled noises of people approaching from downstairs, getting louder as they approached, caused her to tense.

"Ah, the cavalry have arrived," her lover said, his mouth twisting into a mocking smirk. "Seems our time has come to an end once more, my Lioness." He cupped her chin and tilted it up so their eyes met. "I will see you again, however."

"Merlin, I hope so," she admitted.

He smirked and dropped a hard kiss on her parted mouth, gently disentangling himself from her tight embrace. He took a step back after setting her on her own two feet again and steadying her with a gentle hand. Hungry eyes raked down her body, memorising the way she looked. His smile became a cocky, strangely familiar smirk.

Placing his lips next to her ear, he whispered to her, "I'm sorry."

She frowned. "What for?" she whispered back, right as the sound of feet pounded up the stairs behind her.

She felt the tip of his wand press lightly under her sternum.


#draco malfoy, #dramione, #hermione granger, #smut

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