They say bad things happen in 3's...

Dec 18, 2008 11:28

So I think I've gotten more than my share of the whole bad news/things come in threes.

Last Thursday I had to get a tooth pulled. Shouldn't have been a big deal. Didn't stop bleeding til Saturday. Had to miss lots of work, which means lots of money. Grr.

Worked Sunday and Monday. Tuesday morning woke up feeling like HELL. Freezing to the point that even with 2 comforters, a huge afghan folded in half and 2 fleece blankets as well as thermal pjs didn't even help. Plus I'm super nauseous. So I called the school to let them know that I would be in at noon (since I only had 3 sick hours left) thinking that it would pass. Went back to sleep eventually, woke up when my alarm went off and literally dragged myself out of bed. I don't think I've ever had that much trouble getting out of bed and I'm not a morning person. So I take the hottest shower I can stand (still freezing) dress in multiple layers including a fleece and go to work. Now let me tell you, when I'm sick I'm a big baby. Like in an "I want my mom" kind of way. Pathetic I know, but what can you do? So I'm walking up to the school and a co-worker walks out to go to lunch and asks me if I'm okay because I don't look good. So what do I do? Start bawling. Awesome. There are kids coming out of the lunchroom and students in the office, so I wait a minute before going in. When the coast is clear I make a beeline for the principal's office (since she wasn't there) and park myself so I can calm down. People come in to check on me, tell me to go home, I say I can't afford it, blah blah blah.

My boss from after school comes in at one point to give me a cmas gift, tells me she's been overpaying me for the before school program, and that after the holidays they're going to start docking my pay. Awesome. I fucking hate the NAPS school system. How the hell is that my fault, and why should I be penalized for it?! That's one of the many reasons I hate that we don't do our own time sheets anymore. But whatever. I'm just a stupid little peon. The school nurse comes back at 1, says you look awful, takes my temp and it's 102. Awesome. She says perhaps the tooth I got pulled caused an infection and I should call the dentist. I call, he says come in right now I'm on my way. I go, he says it looks like it's healing okay, but I'll give you a script anyway. They call it in to WalMart at 2:05. When I get there at 2:50 it's still not filled. 15 more minutes. So I go back to photo, fill Amanda in on how shitty I feel, cry again, she says don't come in tonight, I say I can't afford it, but start to consider it. So I go get the script talk to management on my way out to tell them I might call out, they say it's fine. I think you could tell by looking at me that I was seriously out of it.

Go home, walk into the kitchen, see water everywhere. WTF. My first thought was I had left the freezer open and it had defrosted. Nope. Go upstairs to Sarah and Sara's apartment to find that Jon had left the sink on and it overflowed everywhere. So Sarah and Jon come downstairs clean up the mess, drain the ceiling and leave pots on the floor to collect the still dripping water. At this point it's almost 4, so I take my fist pill, go back to bed, deal with the freezing again, text Amanda about the flood, find out that Julie's coming in for me, call the 1800 number to let WalMart know I'm not coming in, and try to sleep. Only I can't. So I eat some saltines and try again. Nope. I vaguely remember talking to people on the phone, but can't really remember what was said. Finally at 10 I take another pill, pop a Vicodin that I had left over from the tooth pulling fiasco and blessedly fall asleep.

Alarm goes off at 6 Tuesday morning and I'm still feverish. Call out from before school and school. Take a pill. Go back to sleep til 11 when I wake up feeling like an entirely new person. It was actually shocking how much better I felt. Was I ever even sick? Guess it was an infection and I did need the antibiotics. I never realized how wonderful they could be. So I putzed around for a while, then checked my email.

Woman from central office wants me to come down and sign my life away so they can dock my paychecks for overpaying me for an after school program I did at the end of the last school year. Super awesome. What was I saying before about NAPS? Yeah.

So I went and bought some yogurt (I remember that Jen!) and ate dinner with Barb, Diana and Noreen. We had a great time. Went home (aka walked to the other side of Barb's house:) and couldn't fall asleep. Story of my life. Start to feel nauseous (one side effect of the script) so I do what anyone with leftover Vicodin does. I take one. heh. Wake up this morning deal with side effects of medicine and go to work. So here I sit on my lunch typing this to you. Why? Who the hell knows. Maybe so I can look back and say things can only get better from here right? Let's hope so.
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