Since my Doctor Who obsession has led me to find several interesting crossovers, I decided to separate this list from my
Big Damn List of Unusual Crossovers. Please let me know if you know about fanfics or fanart that isn't on this list, especially from fandoms that aren't represented here!
Updated 5/3 2013: 27 crossovers
Doctor Who
TitleAuthorCrossover fandom
Comrades in Arms![](
waterfall8484Anita Blake
The Eyes of the Beholder![](
waterfall8484Anita Blake
Double TakeBoosterBlackpool
The Way of ThingsjlrpuckBlackpool
Watcher WhomythichistorianBuffy the Vampire Slayer
Guess Who’s Coming to Teajinxed_woodDiscworld
Near Allied JohnAmendAllGirl Genius
Once Upon A TimeselenakHeroes
And Now, After All The Starssuch_heightsHis Dark Materials
Fetch the Doctor, Jeeves!idontlikegravyJeeves & Wooster
The Freakiest ShowyunitsaLife On Mars
More Things in Heaven and EarthAstroGirlNumb3rs
A Pair of (Captain) JacksuktechgirlPirates of the Caribbean
Queer Eye for the Time GuyType 40Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Seems Far From Home, Seems Farther From YoufryadvocateStargate Atlantis
CrackaboomKesomonStargate SG-1
Gate of OrionKesomonStargate SG-1
Goddesses, Consorts, and ExplosionsladyyuehStargate SG-1
Military Intelligencenostalgia_ljStargate SG-1
Crashing Chandeliers (The Teachers and Students Remix)amaresuSt Trinian's
Two to Make PeaceKathryn AndersenThe Vorkosigan Saga
TitleAuthorCrossover fandom
A few quiet drinksjadesfire2808Discworld
First "Six Degrees" meme ficletselenakHeroes
Vinegar PistolpuritybrownScrubs
Can't Trace TimelegionseagleThe Vorkosigan Saga
Doctor Who and Torchwood
TitleAuthorCrossover fandom
Past Improbablesixth_lightBones
Club Nightjadesfire2808Discworld
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