One of Michael's uncles, Calvin, the father of the
cousin who committed suicide a couple months ago, died in a car wreck today. :(
I'm just kind of stunned. I can't fathom what Jean's going through. I have no idea how one person loses two of their closest family in such a short time and even deals with it at all. The three of them, they did everything together. Jean still has her daughters, but neither of them live very close, and...I don't know. It completely breaks my heart.
They think he had a heart attack while driving and that's what happened. Jean and Jenny were supposed to have lunch with him, for god's sake.
The last time I saw him was at Easter, and he was eating a cupcake and, for a brief moment, despite everything, he seemed happy. That's what I love about cupcakes, and I was going to say something about this here but kept forgetting- they make people happy, even if it's only for that little moment in time. It's so silly, but it's not, too. I remember him smiling. I like that memory.
Say a prayer tonight.