(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 03:26

1. Arguing with idiots on the internet is still hilarious. And thanks to the SA forums I'm more aggressive at it. (And SA has desensitized me to "faggot" [this is not necessarily a good thing]. No, I didn't use it in said argument with the idiot.)

2. We evidently have a music channel called Palladia, and they are playing Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders, a 1973 concert film. It is awesome beyond belief. David Bowie has godlike hips. *stares*

(Fake edit: While I've been writing this entry, a live concert with the Chili Peppers has come on, and one of the members just did a solo performance of For Emily, Whenever I May Find Her [originally by Simon & Garfunkel]. It was fucking awesome.)

3. This is the best burger recipe ever. Seriously this will make some damn good burgers, because it's pretty much exactly what we do. Okay, minus flipping the shit like it's government money. I tend to leave em alone.
-Take you some burg
-fuckin wood or flavor charcoal that shit
-I drop about 3 hits of good ass hot sauce on that shit
-and garlic powder and some seasonin salt pre cook owns especially with that worchestershire sauce
-toss it on the fire and fuck kids who tell you to only turn once cause I flip that sit like it was government money
-like 3 beers
-once its done toss it on a Kaiser roll cause I love that shit
-if you add cheese add it on the god damn bottom to catch that awesome juice (cheddar or provelOWNS)
-sauce it to taste with something JR made cause game recognize game
-eat yo shit and make some more cause more than one motherfucka gon want this burg and you should always have friends at your spot

Credit to D06 on the SA forums (and if you know what I'm talking about, no I will not tell you who I am on there). Also, the JR referred to is, of course, Jim Ross of WWE and barbecue sauce fame.

4. Character-bashing fic makes me want to gouge my own eyes out.

5. I finally got to see Watchmen last weekend, and I have thoughts on it, but they will not make it into this post.

6. So, Matt wanted me to talk about the final ep of BSG. Which I've actually been meaning to do for awhile now.

I came into this episode with subterranean-level expectations, and because of that I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. Which was a pleasant surprise. There were still a few things that made me facepalm, though:

Adama puking all over himself. Right to number one on the list of things I never needed to see Bill Adama do, thanks a lot.

I continue to be rageful at the Caprica/Tigh storyline, because it was FUCKING POINTLESS. And we are essentially left to assume that Tigh dropped that shit like a hot potato after Caprica miscarried. WOW, YOU REALLY DID LOVE HER, HUH SAUL. People get over things pretty fuckin' quick on this show. (And I know relationships often don't survive miscarriages, but if my SO left me that soon after one, I would be going after him with a rusty pair of scissors.) I like Tigh/Ellen, but I despise the shitty writing that led to them ending back up together.

I knew they would do this, but it still pisses me off: Tyrol raises Nicky as his own child for...a year and a half? (I suck at estimating children's ages, and I don't remember when he was born) He bonds with this child, loves him, lives with him, is basically a dad to him. Then he finds out that Nicky's not his kid (fuck you, RDM, for fucking with Cally even after she died a punk death) and instantly hands him over to Hot Dog.

...I just. What? I couldn't give up a dog after I lived with it and loved it for a year and a half. A kid? Are you fucking serious? Maybe I am oversensitive about this subject, because my dad was adopted, and there's a part of me that strongly wants to adopt whenever kids might enter the picture. And I'm (as far as I know) perfectly able to conceive on my own, and am not opposed to doing so. So, just because a kid isn't yours, and when you've bonded with it, I don't think you should be able to hand it off that easily.

What I take out of this is that Tyrol was as spectacular a failure at being a father as he was with every relationship he's ever had. And maybe that's harsh, yeah, but ever since his meltdown in the bar after Cally's death (in which he essentially called his dead wife a worthless cunt, said he never loved her and that he settled for her), I have hated Tyrol. I find it darkly hilarious that his fat, lazy ass singlehandedly ruined the truce. And while I'm glad, in a way, that repercussions finally hit Tory for murdering Cally, it was another instance of Tyrol brutalizing a woman. Which he sort of has a history of doing. So, it was weird for me.

On a related note, who took care of Nicky while Hot Dog went off on the "we're probably never coming back" volunteer mission to the Colony? That kid is the redheaded stepchild of the Galactica, evidently.

Going back to Tory for a minute- Tory is problematic for me. She was a character with a lot of potential, but ever since they turned her into a Cylon, she has served no other purpose than to be evil and make fucking stupid decisions. She had very little depth, and I could not figure out her motivations, for ANYTHING. And they could have done so much with her. But because they gave her this aggressively stupid, simplistic storyline, they'll have fans crowing over "the bitch's death" and "getting what she deserved". And it's another female character they've demonized and refrigerated on the altar of MANPAIN. (Also, who else cared that Cally died? Who bothered to mourn her? Yeah, I thought so.)

All that taken into account, I was delighted that Tyrol decided to go off and live as a hermit. But as I said, my dislike of that character has been steadily growing (from even before Cally died, actually). So it should be no surprise. Although I will say that I was at least heartened by the implication that he did love Cally after all.

Boomer broke my heart, y'all. I figured she'd end up dead, and I knew it when she brought Hera to Athena and the raiding party. There wasn't a way she was making it out of that scene alive, and textually, it made sense. But Boomer was another character whose motivations were all over the map, and she had so much confusion about herself. And I loved Boomer, and her story was always bittersweet to me because she was never able to belong anywhere. With the humans, with the Cylons, there was always a sense of alienation and struggling to find herself. So, mostly, I was sad for her. I was pleased that she snapped Simon's neck and saved Hera, in the end.

However, the scene with Adama and Tigh drunkenly making fun of her? So awkward and inappropriate. Gibbs would Gibbs-slap the two of them into another dimension and mutter angrily about this being why officers are idiots. (I only partially kid. I'm just saying, the BROTP kind of suck at motivating subordinates rather than tearing them down.)

So, I promise, I really did like this episode! The attack force was pretty awesome. Jumping the Raptors from INSIDE THE FUCKING MUSEUM SECTION THING was goddamn beautiful. We had to rewind that to catch that it was actually what they did. Ramming the Galactica into the colony to deploy raiding parties was also fairly badass. The stripe-Centurions were wonderful, and I loved the fight scenes with them. Basically the entire storming of the colony made me cheer. Kara's snarky line to Athena of "uh, can we not tell Boomer the plan, please?" made me laugh out LOUD because it was so her.

Roslin's goodbye to Cottle was great. Very much so with the "I don't know what to say." "No, don't say anything, just light a cigarette and grump off, because anything else would ruin your image" (I am paraphrasing Roslin there). Cottle has never not been awesome.

And President Lampkin (AND THE FIRST DOG. I was so gleeful that he still had the dog) was hilarious and amusing. <3 As was Admiral Hoshi slipping up and "Sir"ing...Adama, wasn't it? Or was it Lee? I really cannot remember.

I was down with Gaius deciding to actually do something and joining the Marines in defending Galactica, and then Caprica showed up next to him and I was down about a thousand times harder. The two of them covering each other, watching each others' backs, and Caprica knocking Gaius's gun up were all very cool. I loved them having a Moment. And then the reaction to seeing each others' angels was funny and basically I discovered that I love them together. And this is from somebody who couldn't stand Gaius frakking Baltar for the longest time. I think I have decided that I love Baltar the most when he surrounds himself with awesome women.

OH. Speaking of, Paulla taking over his cult was quite good too, I think, considering that she already showed she was a damn good leader. And I loved Paulla.

Racetrack and Skulls dying made me shout "noooo!" at the screen. Racetrack, Skulls :( :( :(

We have already dealt with my feelings on Hera's rescue. The whole callback to the Opera House once they were back on Galactica, though. Man. It felt so weird and forced, I don't even know. I feel like this was one of the things they didn't have planned out, and they wrote the Opera House first and then went "...Man. How do we shoehorn this in?" And when Helo went down in the hallway, my heart broke. I was sure he was dead and we were never gonna see him again, and I was shaking my fist, because y'all know I love the Agathons.

The scene in CIC was pretty great, although I was facepalming at everyone being so distracted that Cavil was able to grab Hera.

(I wanted Caprica to go punch Tigh in the nuts after she arrived there in CIC, but I guess it wasn't really the time for it.)

Once they rammed the colony, I was really not sure how Galactica was getting out of there again. But jumping out worked pretty well, hey. Also. MY GIRL WITH THE FINAL BLOW TO THE COLONY, WHAT! At the same time, MAGGIE. :( :( :( But I loved that it was all thanks to her. Kicking ass from the afterlife. Oh, oh, and that reminds me. I loved Helo's speech to the Raptor pilots, and his pride when they all volunteered. "That's my Raptor wranglers." <3 <3 <3

Kara jumping the Galactica to Earth was...not something I saw coming. I'll be honest, I thought the mudball planet of suckiness they found (er, not New Caprica) was supposed to be our Earth, so I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention or something. Galactica's back breaking after that final jump made my heart hurt. She was so beaten to hell and gone.

I haven't talked much about Sam yet, but. Sam. :( I kinda knew that once they turned him into the hybrid, he wasn't coming back. And it broke my heart. But he and Kara got their goodbye, and it completely undid me. Kara actually saying "I love you" (and holy shit, for her- she doesn't do that, so yeah), and Sam rallying for that moment of "see you on the other side"...oh, show. You were the abusive boyfriend I kept going back to, but at least I got that in the end. Also Kara and Sam can now sex up the afterlife, yes? Yes.

Piloting the fleet into the sun made me sniffle.

Kara being an angel, surprisingly, didn't piss me off. She was at peace with everything, in the end, and she was okay with leaving. If she thought there was anything that she still had left to do, I don't think she could have left, but she took them to Earth (see, I knew she could!), and she was at peace with the decision to stay there. And besides, Sam was waiting for her, see.

I really liked how Lee was all excited to go exploring. And how Kara got a goodbye with him, in her own way.

Laura's death made me very sad, even though it didn't surprise me. But she also saw them to Earth, and that I'm glad for. I really thought Adama was going to crash the Raptor into the mountains or something, by the way. Sadly Adama building his little house and saying goodbye to Kara just didn't resonate much with me, and I think it's because I was so sick of how much Adama'd been shoved down our throats in 4.5.

I loved, loved, loved Caprica and Gaius going off to farm and be awesome. Hi there, OTP I didn't know I had! *squishes them*

THE AGATHONS. I literally squeed when I saw them all back together, because as I said above, I was pretty convinced Helo was dead. My Agathons got their happy ending, y'all. And that was something I absolutely didn't expect.

The implication that the cycle is going to happen again because we're developing robotics was heavy-handed and made me roll my eyes. But, whatever.

And I end this wall of words with a final thought: when Jimi's version of All Along the Watchtower was playing at the end, I turned to Michael and said jokingly, "I now choose to believe that Sam was reincarnated as Jimi Hendrix." And then I realized Bob Dylan actually wrote the song and so technically it would be him, but I like the Jimi idea better. ;) (No, in reality, Sam and Kara are still busy having adventures in the afterlife, but.)

Jesus. 1965 words of that. Sorry, priestofstuff, I don't know if you knew what you were getting yourself into asking me to write about this episode. ;) And I think I got down everything I wanted to say, but it's late and I may have forgotten stuff. And my apologies for jumping around a bit; this was pretty much my brain-dump, and I'm slightly wired on pain and caffeine, so hopefully it's not too incoherent.

What a long, strange trip it's been. I will most likely watch The Plan, but fuck the Caprica show.

recipes, the stupid it burns, bsg

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