(no subject)

Feb 14, 2009 00:58

So, uh, BSG. I figure I better get these thoughts out before the Vicodin starts to kick in. (Michael has already warned me that if I start acting like House, he's gonna kick my ass.)

I swear, why do I do this to myself? This show keeps pulling me in, and then grinding my tiny little heart into paste under its heel. I'm holding out hope that Sam recovers from the whole braindead thing (which, when I say it, sounds really stupid, but screw it). But I have to hold out hope, because it's Sam.

Kara being there for him tugged at my heart, and so did Cottle acknowledging her as his wife and the one who had to make the decision. I am sad that Sam was basically reduced to the NPC who did nothing but spew exposition and backstory until all his dialogue trees were exhausted, though. Especially since he got turned into a vegetable afterwards. (And man, Ishay, way to be a bitch. If that were my husband some fucking punches would've gotten thrown.)

Y'all, I barked like a seal when I realized the neurologist was the PC guy from the Mac & PC commercials. And he was so earnest and gleeful about getting to work on a brain! And I thought Kara was going to punch the shit out of him because he was so cheerful. It might've made her feel better, at least.

Ellen was awesome, as expected. I felt bad for her having to deal with whiny!bitch!Cavil, though. Holy shit was he throwing an epic sulk. And I was just generally not impressed with the writing/acting. Apparently every episode is required to have a moment of stupidly painful overacting, and Cavil was it this week, because I kept wanting Ellen to laugh at him.

BOOMER! Yay, Boomer! Sticking up for Ellen and actually doing something. I mean, damn, how long has it been since we've seen her? I think I was just assuming she was dead too. But I'm glad she's not, because I do love the Eights.

This episode felt like a whole lot of nothing actually happened, honestly. Even as glad as I am to see Ellen back, it just seemed like they were wallowing in OMGEXPOSITION. And they had to put a bullet in Sam's brain and then vegetate him to do it. Poor woobie.

On a totally unrelated note, I got to read more of The Terror while I was waiting at the doctor's today, and I'm almost done. But damn, that book keeps ripping my heart out too. I didn't expect to care about as many of these characters as I did, honestly, and of course most of them do not have a happy ending (it's about the disastrous Sir John Franklin Antarctic expedition), so it's kind of an emotional rollercoaster. Still a really good read, though, it just doesn't help my state of mind.


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