Nov 08, 2005 11:37
So I walk inot my Dad's classroom right, nothing unusual he asks me how my day was I say fine, we make some small talk...Then, after sitting down and relaxing a little bit I hear the dreaded "can I ask you a question about your attendance?"
So I laugh and say no, and he laughs too and then says "no, seriously, why does Mr.Fletcher have you marked absent for the last 2 days?"
Apparently he also told my Dad that my "grade wasn't the best"
CUS HE'S A FUCKING ROBOT! All he ever does is stand infront of the class and read DIRECTLY from the book, and we write down vocab from a list he gives us. Our ONLY grades in there are A) the vocab and B) the tests...So if you get a bad grade on a test your fucked up the ass by an elderly man that believes he's perfect and everyone named Megan Gangarosa is incapable!!!!!!! So tell me how the fuck am I supposed to get a good grade when all he does is read from the book..It's not like if I did good on the tests I'd actually be LEARNING anything, just simply recieting what his boring ass says.
Sorry to vent frustration but ventventventventventventventventventventventventVENT
But I'm not in trouble cus my Dad's super cool like that, well...not now anyways?