Wow, it has been a year and half since I updated this.

Apr 22, 2008 22:52

So I guess I should start with what has been going on in my life.
I have been at Auburn for almost 4 semesters (as of next week). I have made Dean's list every one so far. I am a Civil Engineering major and love it. I am secretary for ASCE, and Auburn came in 2nd this year at conference, the best we have ever done. This summer I am working for the US NRC and get Q security clearance. I hope you all trust me inspecting nuclear power plants. I have had 2 major relationships, both with ass-holes, both ended, and several other ones boys. I need a MAN, but I don't think they exist here in Auburn. That is actually what I am hear to post about.

What does it take to make a male a Man and not a boy? Age?--No
25 and still too immature to handle being in the same space with me after 2 months broken up. 25 and still afraid of me being smarter than you are. 23 and only wanting me because there is nothing better for you, and you thought that I would be dumb enough to fall for you again. 23, failing most of you classes, paying for them yourself, and not changing your major until you fail out of college all together. 21 and not a good enough friend to tell me "no" when I have told you that I am too drunk.
Real world experience?--No
You own a business and make good money, but you still dump me when we get in our first real argument. You lived in another country, by yourself where you didn't speak or read the language, and you still can't seem to realize that I tell the truth, and always have.
Why can't guys be real with a relationship? I know what I want. I tell you what I want, but most of you know it already. I can be friends with you, but when I try to get anything more, you are the ones that complicate things. I don't want you to spend every dollar you have on me, but I do want to be comforted after I have had to spend the day with my mother. Is that too much to ask? I guess it is. I guess I should give up, but I never will. No on ever really can.
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