Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. (I also think you're probably supposed to tag back the person who tagged you first.... I think some pieces of the directions got lost somewhere on down the line.)
6. I absolutely revel in being random, but I am never random just for the sake of it. If you pay close attention, you can follow my thought processes. It just takes way more effort than it's worth. Some would argue that this is not true randomness, but I say it's a method to the madness.
13. I think that if I had three wishes, I'd mess up my life irrecoverably. This is because if TV has taught me anything, it's that genies are bastards.
7. When I was twelve, I wrote my address and the exact date and time on a piece of paper. The theory was that if I did that, kept the paper until I got older, and time travel was possible in my lifetime, I would come back to visit myself right at that very moment. I lost the paper, so the theory is still sound.
19. I want to start a squid figurine collection. I imagine it would be a very small collection.
25. I thank my father for my overactive imagination and, in the same vein, blame him for my fear of the dark.
11. It was only very recently that I realized that the word "indie" in "indie film" was short for "independent," not "India." Until my discovery, anytime someone mentioned an indie film I thought, "Wow. India is sure making a lot of movies lately."
1. Elementary children have been known to correct my math.
21. This is my favorite number because my birthday is on March 21st. Of course I'm partial to 321 as well. It's just a really cool number.
15. I don't eat bananas because I don't like biting into something of that shape. It makes me feel like I've hurt someone.
2. The first dream I can ever remember having was when I was around five or six. It was all in black and white. E.T. was a giant and his head was sticking out of my neighbor's roof. I looked into the house and could see his feet wiggling. I'll never forget this as long as I live even though I have absolutely no emotional attachment to that scene.
5. I am conservative almost purely for economic reasons (almost). I think socialized health care will be the death of the nation.
17. I tried to make my own language when I was in middle school. I gave up when I kept forgetting my own vocabulary. It made me wonder how anyone remembered the names they gave stuff at the dawn of language when there was no writing system.
18. I think about my dead cat Max every single day. I miss him terribly and it rips my heart out to think he's not just waiting for me at home.
24. I love, love, LOVE anagrams. I've made most of my friends' full names into anagrams. I'd love to share them because some are quite clever, but this is a public blog and I watch too much Dateline.
3. When I was in fifth grade, I plagiarized a book that I loved about a winged horse and her magical woodland friends and turned it in as my own story. Everyone knew I had copied it, but I never got in trouble. The teacher gave me a B.
14. I'm fairly certain that I'll become severely agoraphobic at some point in my life.
22. My encyclopedic knowledge of Mystery Science Theater 3000 has saved me on several tests in middle school, high school, and college. Dear God, I've been a fan for ten years now!
10. Raisins are excellent in pancakes.
4. My dream to become a writer is slowly dying.
16. My initials spell things backwards and forwards. Alf forwards, and FLA backwards. I don't eat cats, but I am quite partial to my home state of Florida.
8. I have cripplingly low self-esteem. This is a terrible quality in an ALT.
20. I've seen the little-known movie The Frighteners starring Michael J. Fox upwards of 100 times. I can quote every single line. It's a very cheesy movie.
12. Sneakers kind of freak me out a little. I don't know why.
23. The songs Lady in Red and Waterfalls evoke horrible memories for me. I can't listen to them without bursting into panicked tears.
9. I will leave Japan with many, many regrets.