Office Days are Awesome

Mar 25, 2008 14:41

Spring vacation has begun! There is no school for the next two weeks.

But that doesn't mean I don't have work. I don't have any work to do, but I have work nonetheless. -.-

I'm pretty sure I mentioned what an idiot I am for not taking some vacation time now. But, you know, office days are nice. I really don't get any while school is in session (unlike city ALTs who get at least one a week,) so it's a nice time to kind of settle down, relax, catch up on years worth of reading, do my taxes, and even sharpen my skills in telekinesis.

I also get actual lunch breaks. I am totally free to do whatever from 12-1. Having the freedom to go back to my apartment for an hour chops my day into two pieces and makes it seem shorter that way.

After work, I'm going to dinner with a lady who's studying English and wants the chance to practice speaking. I feel like I'm giving back after all that time I spent pestering Sayaka with my bad Japanese. ^^v Should be fun.

Then I have nothing planned for the rest of the week, except to watch Battle Star Galactica in the evenings. Yay for being a dork!

The cherry blossoms have started to bloom. I can't wait until the season is full-blown... err, full-bloomed. Finally I have something to take pictures of again! There's not much that's pretty about winter. It's just pretty bleak.

Well, I better get back to doing absolutely nothing. Actually, I borrowed Bernadette's copy of Howl's Moving Castle and I'm loving it. Even at 24 years old, I still love teen novels about magic, alternate dimensions, innocent love, and fantastic creatures. What I wouldn't give for my old L.J. Smith novels, especially the Night World series. Of course, all those books are out of print now. D`:

Not that I don't love adult fiction too. Just finished reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Awesome read. Really funny and quirky. I highly recommend it.

And as long as I'm on the subject of books, here's something I found amusing (but only because I have globs of time to kill) concerning Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Irony: A really, really long fark thread criticizing a novel for poor logic and excess length.

My personal opinion? (I'll pretend you asked.) I read that monstrosity in 10th grade and finished it not knowing what the hell I'd just spent four weeks reading. Incidentally, I had the same reaction when I finished Lord of the Rings. I think that says more about me than anything else.

books, bored, yay, boe

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