I've been meaning to get this out for a while, but just have not been able to actually get myself to sit down and write, no matter how much I've wanted to. This lack of creativity that has been plaguing me for much too long is seriously grating on my last nerves. But that's neither here nor there.
Recently, Beth and I had the pleasure of getting to know two amazing guys (who just happen to be brothers): Geoff and Zach.
Beth had known Geoff casually for a while (and had a crush on him for probably the same amount of time); he also used to work at mine and Beth's place of employment a while back. They were in a local cover band together, and we began frequenting their shows at local bars. I must say they are an awesome cover band. I have since tried to find the originals to some of the songs they played, and realized I have been spoiled by their spectacular renditions and the originals don't measure up in my mind. At one of the shows, during their break between sets, they were hanging around the bar, and Beth began chatting with Geoff. I began chatting with Zach a bit. I remember him being funny, albeit a bit drunk, but honestly don't remember many details from that first encounter. After their second set (and after me, Beth, and Brie got a nice shout-out from Zach), we chatted with them some more around the stage. After that, we didn't see or talk to them for a while. I'm guessing this was back in March or early April, but I am honestly pulling those dates out of my ass. We went to a few more of their shows, and saw them randomly at various bars throughout the weeks. Fast forward to the end of May. We hear about their last two shows that will be happening at an old favorite bar. The brothers were moving to Phoenix, and obviously they couldn't still be in the band while living 1000 or so miles away. Of course Beth and I had to attend their last shows (working early be damned!), and, as always, they rocked out. We had a great time dancing, were able to talk with Geoff and Zach during the breaks (and Beth got some really cute pictures), and basically just let loose like we are wont to do. After the final show, amid the hugging and wishes of good luck and the like to the brothers from others, Beth and I told them that we all should hang out sometime before they leave, which they agreed sounded like a good plan. Beth and I scored digits, and were on our merry way, a bit depressed that we would no longer be able to see their band play (although I'm still hoping for a reunion gig when/if the brothers come back to visit).
Beth was told about a bonfire Geoff and Zach were planning on having (I think on June 4?), and we got invited along. Well, I couldn't pass up the chance to see a good bonfire, and Beth couldn't pass up the chance to see Geoff, so we agree. The day of the bonfire, Geoff dropped by Beth's place and drew her a map detailing how to get the bonfire site. We head out around 9:30 or so, map in hand and ready for an adventure trying to find the place. And an adventure it turned out to be. Most of the map had great directions, until the point when we really needed mileage numbers, and they were painfully absent. We drove down this one road about three times, meeting other lost people looking for the bonfire on the way, until we finally found the right turn-off. We finally arrive, and sit around for a while, enjoying the fire and casually chatting with some of the people there (I knew no one except Geoff and Zach, which was cool. . . I like meeting new people for the most part). They had everything all planned for, too. There was a couch to sit on, which was positioned under a tarp as it was supposed to rain. And of course there was beer flowing freely. I can't count how many times I was offered a beer, all of which I politely declined as I just didn't feel like drinking that night. It did rain a bit during the night; at one point it was coming down pretty hard. It was no big deal, though; we all just clustered together under the tarp and kept up our conversations. It was under the tarp during this downpour that I met Kyle (Geoff and Zach's cousin) and Josh. We had a good time talking about randomness that I can't even remember anymore. And throughout all the rain, the fire kept burning. At one point during one of the light raining periods, a couch was thrown on the fire. That thing burned up mighty quick, I must say. And it made a flame that was probably about 15 feet high, which also happened to catch a bit of the surrounding grass on fire. Beth has a fun picture of three of the guys stomping out the flames in the brush. A mattress was sacrificed a while after. Later in the night, Geoff, Kyle, and another guy (Ben) got their guitars out and jammed for a bit. Beth and I got to help sing "Good Riddance" by Green Day. They played a song that Ben wrote (I think that's what I heard), which was an absolutely amazing song. I would like to own a copy of it. A while after that, it was time to burn the last couch. It didn't burn quite as spectacularly as the first one, but was still incredible to watch. Following this, the fire slowly began to die more and more as there wasn't really anything left to burn. People started leaving. Some of us remaining people got high and danced around to the old school rap blaring from someone's truck. Zach was freestyle rapping all kinds of random shit, which I found hilarious. I was practically rolling on the ground at times I was laughing so hard. He also got it in his head that it would be a good idea to dance with me and twirl me all over the place. I had to put a stop to that, as I was getting dizzy and falling over. At one point, the stars made an appearance through the clouds (Beth and I are still not sure whether we had a shared hallucination regarding that or not). The fireflies were also out in force that night, which I haven't seen for a very long time. I really didn't want the night to end. But, like all good things must, it did. We left the bonfire site at around 5AM. I wish I could chronicle everything that happened that night, as it was so much fun, but no matter how eloquent or imagery-filled my words, they still would not do the experience justice. So all I can do is give highlights and hope my brain remembers the details.
Fast forward another few days. Calls were made and plans were set up. Beth and I made arrangements with Geoff and Zach to drink tequila, go to the beach, and go see Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (neither of them had seen it yet!) on some particular Tuesday (June 7, I believe?). It was to be Tequila Tuesday and it was to be all kinds of fun and laughs. Alas, the tequila and the beach parts fell through as the boys decided to be unmotivated and lazy. But we were able to get together to go to the movies (the part of the day that both Beth and I cared least about, since we had both already seen the movie twice). Kyle and Josh came along, as well. We sat around Beth's apartment for a while, chatting it up. Josh ran to the store to buy some alcohol to sneak into the theatre. By this day it was obvious that Zach liked me. We got to the theatre, and he ended up sitting next to me. His reaction? "Hey, this is kind of like our first date!". Yes, he did know I have a long-term boyfriend. He knew that the first time we met. I swear that guy has ADD or something. He got really into the movie and kept sighing heavily and getting all antsy at the intense moments. I found it highly amusing. He also kept having to ask me what was going on as far as the politics were concerned. At one point, one of the workers came up to him to ask him to keep his feet down. He got so startled by the worker that I'm surprised his head didn't hit the ceiling. After the movie, we all went back to Beth's and hung out, listening to music and chatting, for a bit. The guys wanted to head to a local bar (it used to be a kind of biker bar with a rough crowd; needless to say, it's a bar I've never cared to visit) to see some buddies of theirs play, and maybe to jam with them. I had made plans with Todd to watch a movie and just spend some time together, so I bailed. Beth went with them. She later told me that Zach was talking about me the whole time. I really cannot get over that. I'm not used to being the object of someone's crush, and it really flattered me. Beth said that he wasn't as animated, and when she asked him about it, he told her that I wasn't there anymore so he wasn't excited. Heh.
I had figured that would be the last time I saw Geoff and Zach, as they were leaving for Phoenix on June 10. Happily, it didn't turn out that way. They had plans to visit a bar to see some people on Thursday (June 9). Even though I had to work early (there is a pattern to this, methinks), Beth, Brie, Brie's boyfriend Mitch, and I went out anyway. We also happened to see some other people from work since it was one of my former co-worker's bachelorette party, so that was nice as I don't really get to see her anymore. We had been sitting there for a while, wondering if the boys were going to show up, when we caught a glimpse (Beth has a sixth sense when it comes to spotting Geoff). We went and said hi to him, he had to go do something quick, so we went to find Zach. He was out in the lobby area (where the band was muffled a bit, as they weren't very good; I like punk, but their songs sucked; they did do the covers alright, though) talking to a bunch of people. Beth and I went and perched on the arm of the chair Zach was sitting in and interacted when we could. Brie and Mitch came into the lobby a bit later on. At one point, all three of us were bugging Beth to go hit on Geoff, as it would probably be the last time (at least for a long while) that she would get the chance. She was getting so flustered and embarrassed by us. She said we were being loud, although I know he didn't hear us. She finally did end up going over and talking to him. I was talking with Brie, Mitch, and Zach. It was nice; we were laughing and being silly and having a great time. The hands on the clock, as always, moved much too quickly. Before I knew it, it was 2 and the employees were kicking everyone out. We all slowly made our way out to the sidewalk, where we planted ourselves and talked some more. Brie, having a couple of tequila shots and a couple mixed drinks in her, was getting crazy. At one point, she grabbed my nipple. It hurt, too! Beth and I, although sober, were acting just as crazy. We were being our usual selves and hugging each other with one of our legs wrapped around the other person, and we ended up falling over, her on top of me. I think my ass got bruised from that. Brie loved it since it made her feel not so drunk. The guys weren't complaining, either; the guys in the band, who were loading up their stuff, were getting a kick out of us. It was obvious that none of us wanted to leave. I was freezing, as I was wearing "less than half a shirt" (as everyone kept commenting. . . just because it's backless and you can see through the bottom part of the front. . .), and trying to get Geoff and Zach to come back to Beth's with us. There were a couple of other people around who they were also kind of talking to, and they weren't really moving anywhere. There was no way we were leaving before they left, as who knows the next time we'll get to see them. So I sucked it up and kept on freezing. Brie and Mitch left not too long after bar closing. Beth and I left when Geoff and Zach did, which was around 3. They left with mine and Beth's email address and phone number, so hopefully they'll actually keep in touch with us. Who knows, though. The worst bit about our parting was the looks on both of their faces. It seriously looked like they were both going to cry as Beth and I began walking up the street to head to her apartment. Perhaps we had as much of an impact on them during the short time we were hanging out as they did on us.
As far as I know, they left this past Friday (June 10). They were driving and figured it would take about 3 days to get there. I don't think they really had anything set up there, like a place to stay or jobs. Which means I'm not sure if they even have the means yet to get in touch with either me or Beth. Who knows, they might never contact either of us, but I hope that's not the case. Even though we haven't known them for very long, they are definitely two people that I would like to get to know better. It just figures that we start hanging out with them a couple of weeks before they move across the country.