Jul 30, 2013 16:49
I seem to be emerging from a mid-summer funk (finally) where I really didn't want to do any more than I had to do and was tired, in a rather bad mood, and just had no motivation at all to do much of anything. I didn't want to cook, clean, take the kids to the park or any of that. This week though, I am having a much less difficult time with it. It could be coincidence that my mood is better but Jeff has been home for more than a week now. This is the longest he has been home ina while . He has been gone for 20 of the last 30 weeks (so since the beginning of the year) if I wrote them all down. He does leave again tomorrow, but that is a short trip and I don't think he is leaving again next week. Wow.
We are finishing up swimming lessons and camps this week. Swimming has been wierd- the kids are progressing well but it has been so cold this summer that is hasn't been completely enjoyable. There was what, 2 weeks of 80s and 90s? Now we are back in the 60s at 9am (when swimming is) and the kids come out blue. Last summer was super hot and they enjoyed it but I was miserable sitting on the side of the pool watching. Can't win, I guess. But, we will now have 3 weeks with very few obligations. Camps will be over and we will just have one class for each kid during the week. Maybe we'll get to go to the park with friends or something! I still want to get B down to the planetarium. He loves space shows (not star trek- space shows like into the Universe, or how the universe works, etc, though he was very amused by Red Dwarf). I am really looking forward to school starting. I will have my routine back and even some extra time. Both kids will be in full day school. I am getting annoyed by people asking "what will you do with yourself?" Well, I'll have time to do more than one thing before i need to pick a kid up. I'll be able to run or go to an excercise class, shower, do the breakfast dishes, AND go to the store and still have some time left over. maybe I'll finally finish the book I have been reading since May. Maybe I'll recover the ottoman- the leather or "leather" on that thing is suddenly falling apart. It looks super terrible right now. No clue what is causing it, though it did start happening after I bought leather cleaning wipes. Hm.- anyway I do not think I am going to be sitting around eating Bon bons just wiling away the hours.