ba humbug

Dec 30, 2007 12:25

okay. another big gap. Damn Myspace. I think i'll be back. (Once a week at least) I think its good to reflect every now and then.

Since May 2007 things have been going well (hey i've never been one to focus on the negative).

Friends: I met Edger in April, we have been inseparable since then. (Well actually we separated for a month, but just a pebble in road.) Edger is 35, moved here from San Antonio. He swears San Antonio is the best thing ever. (yawn). He lives in Edinburg, thank goodness...only 3 minutes away. He's adorable, great cook and very handy. He is kind of a grump. Our personalities are completely different. I'm upbeat and he's sarcastic. I think he enjoys bursting my bubble, but he's gotten better.

Gymboree and I are still buddies. We like to bother each other and give each other a hard-time. He's excellent though.

Aardvark I haven't really hung out with too much. I blame myself. I spend a lot of time with Edger which I know is bad. But I really don't go out to bars much and that's really what Aardvark and I do if we aren't with gymboree.

Janie and Hugo are like always: perfect. Cris and Laura are also excellent. Laura tried to set me up with one of her coworkers in the spring. That didn't work. Good try Laura.

Reyna and I are no longer friends, but i'm friends with Sally again. Sally is good people, we work together at UTPA and its too much fun having her around. One of Reyna's friends asked me to be the godfather to her little girl (maya). I was a little surprised, but I think i might do it. (Reyna isn't going to be the godmother...ouch for her, huh?)

Travel: Orlando, Fl (Disneyworld) for a week, Houston twice (yawn), San Antonio for a week (yay the typical valley get-away) and Chicago, IL (I almost got mugged there, but i still had fun.)

Home Life: I live alone in a 2 bedroom, 2 and a half bath. Its really quite a nice. Its brand new virgin apt. - those are my favorite. Its 1,300 sq ft. black granite counter top kitchen and bathrooms, vaulted ceilings with track lighting. I bought myself a new living room set....great couches, they are extra stuffed and extra wide like a twin bed. love 'em. I also got a new dining table. Its black and bar table height.

I was going to buy a house, but i chickened out. A $1,200 mortgage scares me and i don't want a roommate. Edger says that its cheaper to buy than rent. He swears my mortgage will be $850. Ummm i don't think so, I don't want one of those mortgages that balloons after 10 yrs. I think i'll wait a while longer after I buy a nice bedroom set and an elliptical for my workout room.

Work: For the most part, I enjoy my work. i really feel like i'm helping people and I do something different everyday. One day I'll be counseling, next doing presentations, company visits, coordinating an event or just catching up on paperwork. The downside is that since i have so much do to...I really never catch up and sometimes I never get around to certain projects.

School: I started my Masters in Public Administration in the summer. I have a 4.0 so far, but then again, everyone in Masters programs have high gpa's unlike undergrad. I took the fall and gonna take spring off. There really is no way I can balance both. I'll go only in the summers. (no rush)
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