Aug 24, 2006 15:05
Harry hasn't had it easy by any means so far, but he has had the good fortune of seeing his friends stick by him whenever he needed them most. Can this last? Will Harry make it to the end of the series, and the completion of his hero's journey, without suffering the betrayal of someone close to him?
We've seen a few events that could be considered minor acts of betrayal: Hermione going to McGonagall behind Harry's back in third year and getting his Firebolt confiscated, accusations from Ron that Harry put his own name in the Goblet, and from Seamus at the beginning of OotP that Harry was lying about Voldemort's return. Some might even consider Dumbledore's failure to be more up front with Harry a sort of betrayal.
What I'm talking about, though, is betrayal on a much grander scale - a la Peter Pettigrew. (Or even *controversy!* a la Remus Lupin.... We don't know anything about what Lupin was doing when baby Harry defeated Voldemort, and James and Lily died, but there is little evidence so far that he went out of his way to make sure Sirius wasn't being falsely accused. Of course, neither Lupin nor Sirius seemed to consider this much of an issue when they were finally reunited, but I don't know ... I might feel a bit betrayed if my best friend just decided to think the worst of me and let me rot in prison for years without even once asking me for my side of the story. ETA:In fairness to Lupin, though, Sirius did do his fair share of betraying by revealing Remus's secret to Snape.)
So .... newly equipped, as I am, with polling capabilities, what do you think:
Poll Will Harry Be Betrayed?