Aug 04, 2002 22:39
Can I have a glass of water?
I just saw signs and once again I am blown away by this M. Night Shaymalan person. I am the only person I know who liked (or even saw) Unbreakable, but I just dig the way this man thinks. Who else would make himself the villan of his own movie? And, major props for choosing Patricia Kalember to play the mother, 'cause I have loved her since the days of daytime tv. And while I would have always agreed that Mel Gibson is empirically cute, there was something compelling and attractive about his fear of losing his children, his devotion to them. Like, on the level of BB saying he loves the sound of the breathing of sleeping children, or that his children are too precious to be used for any media attention. But I digress.
I just have to laugh at the young men who were griping, "That movie sucked!" You just have to feel sad for the people who don't get it, because their lives are the poorer for it. None of these movies are about thrill-seeking, although that's part of the package. They are all about fear, and ultimately, faith. It's very appropriate to our generation where we have so much of the former and so little of the latter.
Anyway, enough from me. Like Mogley said, go see the movie already.