Oct 23, 2004 15:34
so again it has been a while since my last update, i just have had no energy to write in this thing. so a lot has happened in the past 2-3 weeks so i shall quickly recap.
* i wrote my history midterm that took up like a week of my time and i spent the night before it was due to finish it all. i basically didnt sleep for a week straight. it was horrible!!!!
* ihave been spending a lot of my time with my friend christina and danelle in their room.
* i watched all of the red sox games!
* for game 7 i got together with my red sox fans: christina, felicia, mallory, shanna, and some yankee fans and had the best night ever in mallorys room! it was a get fat weekend!! hehe
* been having a lot of girl nights with my favoritest gals!!!! they are the best!!
* been very lazy and always tired, i hope im not getting sick!
* its family weekend and my family couldnt come up which was ok with me, cuz i was going to come home, but something happened, i love you mandee!!
* ive been helping dave-o from being assassigned!! lol long story!!! haha
* my aunt crystal had her baby!!! i cant wait to see him!! im sooo excited!!!
well i think that covers the last few weeks. so i have no family tonight so mallory is adopting me for the night and i am going to stay with her and her family tonight at their AWESOME hotel!! i cant wait!! hehe
so today there was a carnival since its parents weekend and i got an old fashioned photo taken with mallory and danelle!! haha its soo cute, then me and bess waited 2 hours in line to get a caracture done and it looks soooo funny!! haha it was worth the wait lol!
so im off to pack then my off with my mallory!! hehe tonight is going to be soo much fun and danelle might be joining us!! yay!!