Vacation & A Questions

Oct 01, 2010 18:55

Alright, off to my vacation, will be missing Inception and One Piece BADLY DAMMIT!!!!!! I'm getting a headache just thinking about the Inception fics and prompt posts I'm going to miss ;______________; And OP... finally back after one month break and I only get to read one chapter before another month break for me =.=

Anyway, if anyone is reading, can anyone point out if it's worth getting a Paid Account with LJ? I'm on Plus right now, and just thinking of moving to Paid (so I can track all those prompts at inceptionkinkmeme ._.), but I'm not really sure if it's worthwhile? (I hear that people are moving to other accounts such as dream and A3?)

Like, is there major advantages of getting a Paid account? Just curious ._.

Right, off to packing~

*INCEPTION AND ONE PIECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!* >_<

p.s Um... if anyone is still waiting for DJs... I'm planning to scanlate some after I get back... probably move on to my One Piece collection soon... XD


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