Title: Godhand Teru (ゴッドハンド輝, 天生妙手)
Mangaka: Yamamoto Kazuki
Scanner: ?
Language: Chinese
Source: eMule
Summary: Mr. Teru (aka Godhand Teru) is a doctor by profession, a talented one... the manga follows his medical exploits...
Teru Mahigashi is a surgeon just out of medical school. Saving lives and helping people is the point of his chosen profession, and he seems pretty good at it, when he's not screwing up. People wonder why he has decided to become a doctor, when he is so clumsy, until his past starts reveal, and his ability to save lives becomes apparent with each operation... Gradually, Teru and all of his colleagues will make a huge change in the medical world (from Tama-Chan Scans)
To have a successful surgery, an excellent doctor is not everything. There must be the effort of all the team members. And here (at the hospital that Teru is working), you will meet a facility which surpasses anywhere else, both in skill and in heart. (from baka-updates)
Status: 48 vol, ongoing
Note: There's also a Japanese Drama made based on the manga. More information available at -->
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